~ TWO ~

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After landing in Rio I begin to gather all of my things before stepping off of the plane and heading towards where I had been told my car was. Hands skimming the precious 1970 Dodge Challenger painted a dark blue with black detailing surrounding the car making sure that there was not even the smallest scratch before getting in and driving to the location that Dominic had sent me.

Parking in the abandoned warehouse, I noticed that there were 2 males already there.

Stepping out of the car making both males turn to look at me and the taller one says "Sexy legs, baby girl. What time do they open?".

Rolling my eyes and turning my head towards the male and looking him dead in the eye. Reaching behind my back I pull out my gun leveling it at his nose "They open the same time as I pull the trigger" smirking at him I then ask him "Want me to open them?" cocking my head to the side.

Laughter can be heard from next to them and look to see two more males walking towards us. Suddenly feeling like that I would be the only female besides Mia I groan internally.

"I told you the skinny chick has balls", one tells the other in Spanish.

"Looks like she started the party without us", the other replied in Spanish. Putting away the gun I leans against the hood of the Challenger crossing my arms.

"Hey, anybody can talk shit in Spanish, homie." The first male told the newcomers.

"What's this guy saying?" The first asks the other in Spanish.

"Ugly is still ugly in Spanish or English." The other replies and the three go at it, taunting each other in Spanish. I watched, amused. 'At least the trip wouldn't be completely boring.' I think to myself

"I thought that cockfights were illegal in Brazil," says a voice from behind me.

Turning my head around looking over my shoulder, I reply "They are but, are you going to tell them that?" raising an eyebrow at the Korean man behind me.

He was eating a bag of chips when he had offered her one. Reaching for a chip introducing myself, "I'm Elena"

"Han," he said.

As soon as he introduced himself. A deep voice says "I see you've all met". Turning around and seeing Dom, Mia, and Brian walking towards us. Hugs were exchanged when Brian began introducing the two males I first met.

"Yo, check this out. This is Tej. Best circuit man on the East coast. And this is my boy, Roman Pearce. We go way back, I met this guy in juvie. I pulled that job with him in Miami."

Dom nodded. "I've heard about you."

"Nice place big brother"

Dom smiled at me. "Yeah, well, the Ritz was sold out."

Dom put an arm around my shoulders introducing me to the gang "Guys this is my little sister Elena. She's Mia's older twin"

"So, what's this all about Dom?" Han asked.

"Yeah, man, why did you drag us halfway around the world?" Tej added.

"Because we got a job." Dom grinned.

We all fell in behind Dom as he led us to a table. "All right, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes. And he runs the drug scene down here. He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail." Brian explained.

"No paper trail means no banks. And no banks mean cash houses." I pointed out.

Brian spreads out a map out of Rio.

"That's right. Ten of them, to be exact. Spread throughout the city." he said.

"And we're going to hit them all," Dom told us.

"This is either going to be very fun or very dangerous," I muse softly and hear a soft chuckle from Han who was at my shoulder.

Tej looked doubtful. "All of them?"

Dom nodded. "All of them."

"This sounds crazy. You bring us to a whole other country so we can rob the dude who runs it? I thought this was business. Sounds personal to me. Is that what this is? I got love for y'all, but personal ain't good business. I can't do this, homie." Rome goes to walk away and Dom's voice stops him in his tracks.

"So what we're talking about is $100 million." Rome turns around right quick. I hummed in interest at the amount.

"You say what? Hundred...See, sometimes I be overthinking, man, and you know we just met, but you just, kind of, got to..." Rome rejoins the rest of us gathered around the table and I stifle a snicker.

"That's right, $100 million, and everything we take, we split even," Dom explains further.

"That's a little over $11 million apiece." Tej calculates "I am down."

"Eleven million. Sounds like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me." Rome commented, a little doubtful. That time, I did roll my eyes and reached for another chip when Han offered me the bag.

"Typical male," I mutter as I studied the map laid out before us. Every cash house had been marked. "There's just one little problem guys," I spoke up and they looked at me. Dom, Mia, and Brian wore that smirk I knew that said they knew I was already trying to figure out the plan. "You can't pull off ten heists on the same mark." I look up at them. "You just can't."

I feel Han against my back as he leans closer to the layout of the city. "As soon as we hit the first one, they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest."

Dom just smiled. "Exactly." After a minute, I shared a smirk with my siblings and they knew right then I knew the plan. Hit one house and once all the cash was collected in one place, take it.

This is going to be very fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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