chapter 14 - alone-ish

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The sun lightly brightens the sky as it slowly rises. The chilly wind gushes, causing the leaves to gently rattle. It seems so peaceful if you just stop and take time to admire it. But it gets ruined with Alyannah's realization that she forgot her wallet the second she enters the school gates.

"Shit," she mumbled to herself as there's no way of going back to her house to get the item. "I guess I have to starve today then," she added. Alyannah walked to her classroom, seeing that there are only a few people in the room. Alyannah checked the time on the wall clock at the opposite side of the room.

"Huh, it's still early," Alyannah then continued to walk towards her seat and placed her violet bag. She took her maroon bomber jacket and tied it to her waist. She left the room and walked to St. Jude's classroom.

'I really hope nothing becomes too awkward after multiple nights of saying "I love you" in messages..' Alyannah wished as she gets closer to her destination. She peeked through the open door, searching for the slightly taller 13-year old that she's been spending her free time with. Seeing no hint of her being at the school yet, Alyannah turned around and is on her way to her schoolroom; but then she founds Nicole walking down the hallway, towards her.

Alyannah wanted to run to her and hug her tightly, but she got rid of that thought and walked up to her. "Hello there," she greeted the blue-eyed girl with a smile.

"Hey there, Aly. How are you?" Nicole asked her as they both walk in the same direction.

"Pretty good. How about you? How's your Christmas break?" Alyannah asked back, extending the conversation.

"You act like we've not been talking for the whole vacation," Nicole chuckled.

"What? Maybe there are more things that we haven't talked about yet," Alyannah justified. Nicole entered her classroom and leaves her bag in there. She then returns to Alyannah and walked around the campus, just like what they usually do.

Alyannah and Nicole went to the TVL area and chatted until the bells rang. Alyannah didn't notice that Nicole was looking at her lovingly the whole time they were together. They went to the quadrangle as the flood of students can be seen going to the same place. They sang the national anthem and did their morning prayers. As the school hymn starts to play, normally Alyannah would sing along. But a minute in, she found herself staring at Nicole. She looked away.

"You got to stop this, Alyannah," she mumbled to herself, "You'll end up being hurt because of these fantasies you're creating in your mind."

The last line of the school hymn was sung, and they're now allowed to go back to their own classrooms. Alyannah went first, arriving in the empty classroom, and sat on her desk. Her classmates soon followed. She tried to focus on the lesson, but she's too busy sketching the face of her crush in her sketchbook. The sketchbook that Nicole gave her.

The bells rang once more, signaling the short recess the students are given. Alyannah left the classroom and went to the cafeteria. She bought a portion of fries and went to Nicole's classroom. "Seems like she's out.." Alyannah went to her usual route and sat alone at the TVL area. And there she is. Nicole is with her friends, laughing happily. Alyannah slightly smiled, but it quickly faded. Alyannah decided to go back to her classroom, passing by the hut where Nicole is at.

Alyannah hid her sadness in the disguise of 'I had to do something so that's why I went back to my classroom.' Technically, it's no big deal, but a part of her is thinking about the possibility of being left alone, just like how she started the school year alone. She sighed and rested her head on the table.

"I'm bored, and I'm mentally tired," Alyannah mumbled to herself. Recess ended, and she tried to focus on important things once more. Which worked, for a while. It's not that long after when Alyannah starts spacing out as she stares at the ceiling. Her notebook is full of scribbles even she can't understand. Lunch came, but Alyannah is stuck in her seat. She started this day all giggly and happy, so how did she start acting like she's having some untreated depression now?

She looked at the window and watched as students and teachers pass by. She looked at the time. '11:32.. Yup, I'm skipping lunch.' She turned back to the window and noticed the leaves sway as a gush of wind passes by.

On the other hand, Nicole is with her friends. While normally she would spend this period with Aly, she decided to spend time with her friends from her class. Though it is weird that she hasn't seen Alyannah this lunch break.

Days pass by like this. Nicole texted Alyannah, but the replies she's getting are short. Alyannah kept on insisting that it's fine. But Nicole then realized that wasn't the case. She's at the same table as her friends and noticed Alyannah passed by. She looked at Alyannah and noticed the look of loneliness in her face. She seems sad, and that broke Nicole's heart. Alyannah got her plate of food and went back to her classroom.

Let's say she internally cried as she eats her food.

Alyannah wiped the tears she was trying to hide and returned her plate. She went back to her classroom before the Angelus starts playing. Now, these past few days have been, alright, in others' standards. Alyannah got some things done since there are fewer distractions, but she couldn't help but feel like she has no one to talk to. She still thinks of Nicole, of course, but since Alyannah is the type who would think she's a burden, she made no effort of trying to contact Nicole.

When she got home, however, she looked at her phone and noticed that Nicole texted her.

America: Hey..
America: I noticed you were sad earlier
America: I saw that look on your face, are you sure you're alright?

England: yeah, I'm fine. no need to worry about me.

America: But how wouldn't I? You seem so distant lately.

England: I'm alright. I just wanted to not seem like I'm a burden while you're with your friends.

America: Aly, it's fine
America: You could still approach me while I'm with them, you know?
America: I don't want you to feel alone
America: I'm here, okay?

England: alright..

And now we could just pretend that those days of loneliness didn't happen.


1088 words.

haha sorry for the delay.

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