Ch 16 - 启示录 - Revelations

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Mandarin Title Translation: Qǐshì lù

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Credit to my Muse (Idea adapted from Chinese blog post on TMOPB): There is a source at the end where I adapted the main revelation. It is imperative to give credit where credit is due in my opinon and Little Bear from Jianshu has some very interesting ideas. Check out the fic on Jianshu & Ihauben even if you cannot read Mandarin, the translation of Chinese fanfiction from Google is quite good because the syntax of Mandarin and English are very similar. You just have to get used to some strange name translations like Dong Hua who is known as Emperor of Japan in some translations and Gun Gun or "billowing" translating to the F-word because one of the meaning of the character. I had a chuckle at that. See then end for the source. Still need to edit, but I have to get these ideas out before they go away!

We are going to go on a little trip down memory lane, to the formation of The Six, a council of select high gods you will be familiar with that were chosen by Dong Hua help check his power and ensure inter-realm peace

When Dong Hua had united the realms as Heavenly Emperor, an interim council had been arranged to oversee the balance of power. The six members of the council had been informed of his intention to retire exactly 60,000 years after the final peace agreements had been signed. There was some concern that the brief power vacuum that existed between the signing of the final peace agreement between the realms and the investiture of the new Tianjun and his advisors would destroy the peace Dong Hua had worked so hard to achieve.

Dong Hua and the "The Six" Mo Yuan, Zhe Yan, the Lord of Numinous Treasures, Xiwangmu, Nuwa and Fuxi had met secretly to discuss damage control and power checks. The demons would surely take advantage of the lull and so they had devised a way for Dong Hua to maintain the ties necessary to take back power should there be a future threat to stabilization of the realms. Dong Hua would need to show the people that he had only their best interests in mind. The Six then decided it would be in Dong Hua's best interests to have a way of arranging the balance of power in the realms. So, the Rock of Three Lives had been born.

Dong Hua at first had thought it was ludicrous to think that a barely concealed rock would be able to dictate the lives of powerful immortals even if these immortals had lesser cultivation than the ancient gods, but he had been wrong. Although the stone was located in a suitably less-frequented area of the Nine Heavens, it was still accessible to any visitor to the Sky Kingdom.

The goddesses Bixia, Nuwa, and Xiwangmu had been adamantly against the idea. These fate-keepers understood that fabricating fate could be detrimental and potentially cause backlash for destined couples who would be unnecessarily hurt by the cruel controlling tactic.

Bixia had taken Dong Hua aside to plead the case of the Heavenly Mother and nature's law.

"You cannot go back from this Dong Hua. The Foxes..."

"There will be no way to maintain peace if this Emperor marries into Qing Qiu."

"It is the Natural Order Dong Hua. Heavenly Mother gifted the Dijun with this gift. The Fox is waiting for the right host in which to be reborn."

"This Emperor refuses to believe the sole purpose of a woman is to warm the bed of a man and bare children. Should the Fox be a consort to this ruler, Qing Qiu's Bai Zhi will lose face. Should the Fox marry into Bihai Cangling, the newly crowned Tianjun will lose not only face, but the scales of power will be irrevocably shifted in favor of the Fox Clan. There will be war once more."

"Trust in Heavenly Mother. Hou Tu Niang Niang would never have saved her spirit if it had not been vital for peace, although this protector of women is pleased. Dong Hua's favoring of women is most kind. Your foster mother would be proud." Hou Tu had been Xiwangmu's dearest friend and her last wish had been for all of her children, most especially her foster son Dong Hua to experience great love.

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