This story is documentation of all the tribes, and other dragons in my fan made continent from Wings of Fire The Third Island: Elrathia.
People have made fantribes with the same name as mine, but most of the details are different.
(Added FlameWing d...
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Name: FlameWings
Diet: Carnivorous
Average lifespan: A FlameWings average lifespan is 90 years, of course like most tribes, only some reach this age because of the war and die around 20-30.
Scale colour(s): FlameWings have any shade of red, and orange scales, some can have yellow scales, their underbelly is generally darker than their main scales, made of somewhat flame like patterns.
Eye colour(s): FlameWings can have gold, red, orange, and sometimes brown eyes.
Horns/spikes/claws: FlameWings have two pairs of horns, both fairly straight, but the second pair is much smaller than the first, FlameWing spikes are thin sharp triangles running down their back and tail, FlameWing claws are a little sharper than other dragons and are only slightly curved.
Body shape: FlameWings bodies are about the same as most dragons though a little bit more muscular, being strong fighters and fierce warriors.
Wings: FlameWing wings are slightly larger than those of an average dragon, being able to fly at the same speed of a SandWing.
Other appearance details: FlameWings have spikes running down there forelimbs and an array of long sharp spikes at the end of their tails, like an IceWing, used for bashing and cutting opponents.
Abilities: FlameWings like the name suggests, can breathe fire, though their fire is so much hotter than other dragons, hot enough to melt metal and bone, their tails can cause deep gashes and cuts that bleed for long periods of time, they can also swim through lava.
Special abilities: FlameWings can also be hatched as a Magmaborn, Magmaborns are like firescale dragons, heat radiates off of them eternally, though unlike firescales they can control their burning touch to melt bones in seconds, these Magmaborn also spew lava from their mouths instead of breathing fire, like some tribes, FlameWings cannot have animus dragons, unless they are hybrids.
Strengths: In hot conditions, FlameWings are more active, allowing them to overpower opponents like BoulderWings if near a volcano.
Weaknesses: In cold conditions, FlameWings are less active, allowing enemies to easily defeat them, so in the journeys south, they are always accompanied by soldiers from other tribes.
Kingdoms name: FlameWing Volcanos
Kingdoms location: The FlameWing Volcanos are located on the "wing" of Elrathia.
Palace(s): FlameWings have one palace, the Lava Stronghold, it is attached to the side of an active volcano, however this is no problem for the FlameWings, as the can swim through the lava filled hallways.
Other buildings: FlameWings have no other important buildings, the palace holds all artifacts and history.
Ranks/Occupations: The first rank is Queen, King, the rest of the royal family, guards, soldiers, and finally citizens.
Tribe relationships: FlameWings are allowed to stay with their mates or leave them, mothers leave their eggs in the magma hatchery when they are close to hatching.
Attitude towards dragons with special powers: FlameWings treat Magmaborns like they are high commanding soldiers, some get to live in the palace as guards of the royal family, or live out on the battlefield as battalion commanders.
Attitude towards hybrids: Only hybrids from WindWings and ThunderWings are accepted, as those tribes are allied with the FlameWings in the war.
Eggs: FlameWing eggs are red or orange, with fire markings on their shells, the eggs are kept warm in lava rock nests in their homes, but when they are going to hatch soon, they are taken to the magma hatchery, heated by the volcanic activity it makes an ideal hatching place for FlameWings.
Dragonets: FlameWing dragonets spend their early years in their homes, but are taken to a sort of boarding school, where they stay for a few years while they train, only returning home at the age of 9.
Naming: FlameWings are named after fire like things, and sometimes colours, examples: Ignite, Sear, Lavaburst, Mahogany, Pyro, Carmine, Cinnabar, Magma, Inferno, Combustion, Scorch, Char, and Bonfire.
Other cultural details: Most FlameWings don't practice religions, but some practice a religion called the Burning Mother, they believe that she scorched the planet and called the volcanos to create the continents.
History: 30 years ago before the war of the FlameWing sisters, Queen Volcanic went missing, nobody knew where she went or if she would return, which started an argument between the sisters and eventually they started fighting, Crimson drove the others out but, none of them wanted competition, so Crimson chased them down with the armies until both Ember and Ashfall formed alliances with other tribes to defeat others, witch led to the full scale continental war.