This story is documentation of all the tribes, and other dragons in my fan made continent from Wings of Fire The Third Island: Elrathia.
People have made fantribes with the same name as mine, but most of the details are different.
(Added FlameWing d...
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Name: DeathWings
Diet: Mainly Carnivorous
Average lifespan: A DeathWings average lifespan is 90 years, most reach at least 70 before they die as they are quite deadly to other tribes.
Scale colour(s): DeathWings have dark grey or black scales, their underbelly scales are hard boney plates which are a pale white in colour.
Eye colour(s): DeathWings usually have dark blue or purple eyes, with some rare cases having dark green eyes.
Horns/spikes/claws: DeathWings have curved horns, instead of spikes, DeathWings have the same boney armour running down their spine as along their underbelly, their claws have a slight curve and are quite sharp.
Body shape: DeathWings have semi muscular bodies, they are quite sturdy being able to withstand hits to vital points.
Wings: DeathWings have average sized wings, they have some boney armour but also have rips and tears along the edges of their wings.
Other appearance details: A DeathWings head is covered in a skull like boney protrusion for defence and attack, on the end of their tails they have a barb like a scorpion, though made of the same stuff their armour is made of.
Abilities: DeathWings can breathe a black noxious smog that suffocates every dragon except DeathWings, also they secrete a deadly toxin from their tail barb, though unlike sand wing venom, it kills in the hour and is twice as painful, it is called, The Dark Plague.
Special abilities: DeathWings rarely have animus dragons, though sometimes a dragon can hatch with two tails, being formidable in combat, they usually end up being the King's guards.
Strengths: In dark areas DeathWings blend in and can strike from any place at any time, they also do well in forests where their smog is more effective in the dense trees.
Weaknesses: In light areas DeathWings are easy to spot as they have dark scales, but also in flat environments, their smog dissipates quicker.
Kingdoms name: DeathWing Ravine
Kingdoms location: The DeathWing Ravine is located on the "head" of Elrathia.
Royals: King Backbone, Prince Deathflight
Palace(s): DeathWings have only the Blackstone palace atop the ravine in the centre of their territory.
Other buildings: Other main buildings are the laboratory, where tests on the Dark Plague and other things take place, and HollowWood gate, the main entrance to the mountain pass where the ravine sits.
Ranks/Occupations: Unlike most tribes the first rank is King, yes the DeathWings have a King, then Prince, after that, Queen, then Two-tail guard, soldiers, and finally, civilians.
Tribe relationships: A pair is expected to stay together, but can split up if wanted.
Attitude towards dragons with special powers: As said before there are rarely animus dragons, but two tailed dragons are treated well and become either palace guards, or special soldiers.
Attitude towards hybrids: Hybrids are accepted, though most other tribes stay clear of having hybrids with a DeathWing.
Eggs: DeathWing eggs are black with rib-like markings on either side.
Dragonets: Dragonets are hatched in fur nests, the parents both care for the dragonet, at the age of 4 they start battle training, if not fitted for battle, they can choose other professions, like hunter, scientist, architect, and even artist.
Naming: DeathWings have fused names like NightWings, or are named after bones or scary words, examples: Darktail, Skullcrusher, Dread, Deadrib, Blackspine, Curse, Wingbreak, Horndread, Blackclaw, and Darkskull.
Other cultural details: Not one DeathWing practices a religion, they prefer to use logical thinking and science to figure out problems, most houses are either carved into the ravine or built from blackstone.
History: The Blackstone palace was built by the first king, one of the last animus DeathWings, to be a sanctuary for his fleeing tribe, as their Dark Plague caused countless deaths for other tribes, sadly the first kings animus genes were lost through time and that is why DeathWings rarely have animus dragons today, HollowWood gate was built as a main entrance and protective barrier for the DeathWing kingdom, the reason it is not on most maps is because most dragons finding it get killed by the guards that man it 24 hours a day.