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The next morning Emberly stepped into her house, closing the door behind herself. She placed her keys down on the table, looking towards the living room where she could hear voices. A second later Everly appeared walking from the living room. 

"Hey, you okay?" Everly asks walking towards her, wrapping her arms around her. Emberly frowned confused wondering why she had hugged her. If anything she thought, Everly would still be upset about yesterday 

"I texted you last night that I was fine. I told you I stayed at an hotel." Emberly says as Everly pulled back from the hug.

"I know, but you had everyone worried. We just wanna help you." Everly says as the two walked towards the living room. 

"We?" Emberly said confused as she stopped in walking looking at everyone around the living room. Jessica, Mark, and even Spencer. What was he doing there? 

"What's going on here?" Emberly asks. 

"Can you sit down? We just wanna talk." Jessica tells her. 

"No. I think I'll stand. Someone wanna tell me what's going on here?" Emberly asks. 

"Emberly, we want you to know that everyone here loves you. If there's anything you ever wanna talk about with us, you can talk to us. We're all here because we're worried and concerned about you, and your safety." Mark explains. 

"My safety?" Emberly repeats1 with confusion. 

"With this." Jessica places the empty liquor bottles on the counter, along with the orange pill bottle. "Everly told us about it." 

"Those are nothing." Emberly says. "it's nothing you have to worry about." 

"If we don't have to worry, why hide it? What are you even doing with these. You don't drink and you certainly don't take pills. Since when has this been going on?" Jessica asks. 

"According to Spencer, who thought I was taken pills. I haven't taken any of them." Emberly says. glancing at the James boy. "And I only drink every once in a while. It's nothing." 

"Yeah, but it is. I will never forgive myself if I let my daughter end up like her father. That's why we think it's best if you are admitted in rehab for a little while." Jessica says. 

"Rehab?" Emberly asks her eyes becoming glossy. "You want to put me in rehab?" 

"We don't want to do this, but this is something that needs to be done before any of this gets out of hand." Jessica explains. 

"Out of hand? It's not going to. Okay? I'll quit. I'll stop. I won't drink or anything, I swear. Please, don't send me away." Emberly pleads. 

Emberly witnessed what it was like for Olivia to leave her family and friends for months to go to rehab. That was something she didn't want to go through. She didn't want to be taken away from her home. 

Seeing Emberly begged like this broke Jessica, because no parent wanted to send their child away. Especially, not to rehab. Jessica sighed, "You go to school and straight here. No hanging with friends or anything. Daily drug tests everyday." 

"Seriously?" Emberly asks in disbelief.

"Either that or rehab." Jessica tells her.

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