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I run, feet kissing the land. Perhaps a little while ago I would have balked at idea of running so far and fast, now I relish the prospect only because it was a literal life or death decision.

Run or die.

The minor gash, from my forearm to the wrist joint stung in the harsh winter wind as I ran through the avenue, I wrapped the white cloth tighter around my arm to stop the small blood flow & breathed heavily trying to outrun five well-built people.

The absurd part was that they weren't even the people I had to sell drugs to. Which was the most unsettling part about this.

I had been informed to sell two packets of substance to a middle-aged lady who was nice enough to give me a tip.

I spotted a few men lingering around the area for a bit but didn't think much about them, oh how wrong I was.

Those people had sprinted out from their little alley and followed me around; I took a few right turns just to make sure it wasn't a coincidence & started running away. One of them had been close enough to make a cut on my arm.

I had panicked and right now, my whole body was working completely on adrenaline combined with fear. A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of my neck and my breaths were coming out in slow puffs.

A warm feeling of relief coursed through my veins at the sight of the familiar café I've come to dread. But at least now I could be out of harm's way. Facing forward, I began to sprint.

I hurriedly explained everything to one of the older co-workers and she helped me calm down & bandaged my arm up in the employees only store-room, we were the only people there, luckily.

The cut wasn't, thankfully, that deep it was merely a scratch of the knife only causing droplets of blood which stung. Nayeon was one of the few people I could trust here because she had been caught up in the business same way I had, tricked into it.

"I wish there were a way I could help you out of it, ah. The only way I can think of right now is if you find your soulmate and if they're someone important you might have a way out of this." She said and I snorted at that but gave no further explanation. If only she knew. But I couldn't tell her, not yet.

Nayeon gave me a weird look before finishing up the bandaging and looked me dead in the eye before whispering again, "Other than that you'd have to find a way to break the three year contract and escape before he finds a way to trap you in permanently"

I figured my shift was already done with because I couldn't deal with anymore of that today and besides I don't work in the café that often— maybe once or twice a week if its busy.

I thanked her and gathered all my stuff before shooting her a playful wink to which she laughed at before proceeding to whack me over my head.

"I'm leaving soon." Nayeon spoke out just before I'd exited the door, I turned towards her and the confusion must've have shown in my expression as she sighed and patted the spot next to her.

"You-your three years are over?" I asked & she nodded.

"I spoke to Chanwoo and he surprisingly let me off easily. I found my soulmate last night, she's just- just amazing, y'know?" She spoke dreamily & I smiled softly at her.

"I wish you the best Nayeon-ssi." I spoke and she pulled me into a warm hug.

"You'll be okay, I promise. They'll never hurt you" She said and we parted.

I didn't understand what she meant but chose to believe her.


"what do you mean he ran away?" Chanwoo asks, enraged. He glared at the five men standing before him with guilty looking faces.

tears of blood | vminkookWhere stories live. Discover now