chapter 1 save me

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In  my story  klaus and stefan just got back from there little killing get away and the whole school sence has happened but stefan doesn't resist composition and someone ends up saving elena. The point of view will change through the book so watch out for that hehe thas is my first book hope you like it  I have worked hard

I could feel the fright curl up my bones and I backed up to the wall as stefan walked towards me .this isn't like him .I'm scared. I can't loose Stefan  not now ,not ever.

"Stefan" I whimper breathless hopping he can still hear me over heavy breath and the pumping of my blood. I look over at the people still sitting in the school gym for get a second but it was more then enough time for Stefan to lunge for my neck.

"Elena my love" I was klaus taunting me I  think  , the voice was strange recognized but not known  I didn't know why but those words echoed though my thoughts. Maybe I was just scared or maybe they  made me feel like I was some sort of safe. No     no  klaus it's safe.

"ELENA " klaus called again not at my but at stefan. I came back to the moment and now stefan had a firm grasp on my throat. He was trying to let go ,I could feel it ,that must have been it ,why klaus was feeding my name into him ear .Elena. Elena. Elena.  Klaus fitting to character had a evil smirk oh his face .What a dick. Well he did till he phone started to buzz.

P.O.V. Klaus
                 (Pov has changed)
My phone rang at such a inconvenient time in was quite enjoying that whole situation.

"Hello" it was Elijah he wanted to tell me about Elena of all people. Now I'm  going to have to help her . Disappointing.

"Yes brother what is it and make it quick or the young lady will be killed by her compelled boyfriend" I said back into the phone.

"You see Neeklaue  that Elena may be more important to you the it seems ***"

P.O.V. Elena

I saw klaus smash his phone on the floor hard ,hard enough that it broke the the  front and back  into 1000s of pieces all over the place. My and stefan were hit with tiny shards of glass.  Klaus ran for Stefan  fall speed  right into the wall. I felt air rush back though my lungs  like metal bullets. What just happened. I collapse into the cold hard floor fast .I saw  that had klaus rushed towards me short after but by then I had fainted .

                        1 hour later  -‐----------------------------------------------------------------

Whue rs aq I.. my head hurts ,my body hurts and arms hurt everything hurts like  I don't know ...... pain. I was a few seconds after that I finally focused my eyes and to my surprise klaus was there resting his head and arms on the back of the chair facing me . Him legs where softly wrapped around the two back legs.He seemed comfy  unlike me who was carelessly lobbed on the ground.

Me and klaus meet eyes . They are beautiful. Ha ....ha.... I lifted my head just a little to see my surroundings better ,I was in a bedroom . There was a silky black rug at the foot of the bed ,just long enough that is was ruffle a feet longer at each end of the king sized bed. The bed its self was large and had a red through blanket draped over the end of it ,curtains hung from the roof frame of the bed. The only other thing in the room was a  dark oak wardrobe, dest and draw that looked like there were a set . The room came together quite nicely actually. The walls were covered in black fancy wallpaper  and klaus followed my eyes as I scanned it . 
He must have seen my eyes widen when I had gone full circle and met the bed once again  because he walked over to it in a cokey walk he couldn't probably get into with just 4 steps. We meet eyes again and he began to speak.

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