chapter 2 who

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We must have been laying for hours, or I could have full asleep because it was dark out side when I finally felt Elijah get up and move.I was still so tied . It felt like every bone in my body was pulled out of place.

"Elijah" I could hardly get the word out my mouth.

"Guess again love" klaus it always has to klaus . Where was Elijah. How did they switch so easily with out me realising.
"Why are you here?"
"You can't expect Elijah to sit there all day can you?"he bit back .

P.O.V Random
(just to clarify this is not the same as Stranger, they are a character this is just a different perspective to the story also I know I change p.o.v. alot but I keeps me actually want to write more of this book /fanfiction Anyway)

Elena really didn't cared that it was klaus, more the fact that Elijah left. Klaus always made her think like she did with damon and if was scary. I lust or longing that just could not be explained in words , a feeling of hope ,hope that they may redeem themselves in anyway. She could feel a small sharp pain shoot up her left thigh when klaus pulled her closer. The emotion only got stronger when he did.She realized in that moment there was a cord attached to her foot. She couldn't even find the strength to pull it out .klaus on the other hand very much did ,he reached over tugged at it pulling it out after he saw Elena's discomfort . In away klaus felt the same  feelings for elena he just hadn't figured that out yet. Elena watched while her blood tripled into two different blood bags.

Of course it was a trick to use  her.

"Sorry Elena , just a little idea from Elijah," klaus explained. Klaus never expected that he would be freeing elena from where he needed her already times have changed . Feeling changed. After all he could have left her there two die but he saved her from stefan, I mean he could have quite easily just taken Stefans fresh , elena filled blood.
Klaus couldn't help but smirk. He had the doppelganger in his arms , she was aggressively raped around his torso. He had so much power that he yet to have a use for.And then.
Klaus carefully arranged Elena's hair so that it sat in a long curtain shape. Elena looked up at the hybrid with thankful eyes before gently kissing his cheek. It caught him more that surprised. He stared at her rose tinted lips and kiss her in the same dead way she did .  They stayed for awhile , neither wanting to pull away. The room was quiet not in an awkward way but a peaceful one at that . Soon they lips drifted apart and both of they bodys assembled in to a cuddle.  Klaus was quite a tease so it was no surprise that he returned the kiss , what was though is that there was even a kiss to reply too.

"Shit." Elena whispered. Klaus just smiled .

" ahh come on I'm not that bad I am ?" Klaus returned in a mocking voice.

" I suppose not "

"Well then shall we continue " he asked in a business like manner.

"Klaus," Elena's voice was different as if she didn't want to give in to temptation,  yet agine it all came down to that feeling . If that feeling was strong enough that she could give in .

Just then klaus left with his unanswered question .  He slammed the door closed and locked it. Elena looks up at klaus concerned. For what all he did was close a door and was now coming back to lay down.  He did nothing though the smallest sigh of aggression and elena gets scared. 

Dun Dun Dun ..... I got my phone taken away sad life I know anyway this is all u get for chapter 2 I promise I will actually do a proper chapter soon  tell me who u ship elena with Elijah or klaus ?   Vote comment  and follow me xxx byeee

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