chapter 22: prom

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It has been 2 weeks since they all have "promposed" to their significant other.

As the date of prom inched nearer and nearer, Daniel suggested they go for suit fittings together.

"Wait.. you don't have a suit?", Eben inquired.

Daniel huffed, "I do but I outgrew them and I need new ones"

"I'll go with you", Zach pipped up, "I need new ones too"

Daniel beamed, "great! how about tomorrow after school?"

Zach agreed and they promised to meet each other after school.

The rest of the boys already had their own suits, so they passed. Daniel and Zach and refused to let their boyfriends tag along because they'd wanted to "surprise them".

The next day, Zach ran out of class eagerly the minute the bell rang. He stood at the entrance, waiting patiently for Daniel. Seconds later, he caught sight of Daniel jogging up to him.

"Hey", Zach greeted.

"Hi", Daniel panted, "so to the mall?"

Zach nodded.

They hailed a cab to the nearest mall and stopped by McDonald's for a treat before going for their suit fittings.


"I think you should get that in baby blue", Zach suggested.

Daniel looked at himself in the mirror, "you think?"

It was a white suit with a baby blue overcoat.

"Yeah, it brings out the colour of your eyes"

Daniel checked himself in the mirror one last time before agreeing.

"What about you?", he asked.

"I'm deciding if I should go with brown or dark green"

"Well try it on and we'll see"

Zach stepped out of the dressing room shyly in a dark green suit.

"I think I'm going for dark green"

Daniel looked at him critically, " What about the brown one? Let me see and I'll give you my opinion"

"I didn't like the sleeves, it made my arms look huge"

"Oh if that's the case, then you should go with dark green. It looks good on you and you look happy in it"

"Thanks Dani", Zach smiled. He couldn't wait for tomorrow night.


The music was so loud that you could even hear it from a mile away. Eben got out of Jonah's car, beaming. He was excited.

Jonah took him by the hand and together they walked into the school.

The usual hall with beige walls and dark brown tiles was lit with bright beaming lights and decorated with hearts and balloons everywhere. The school had managed to get a band to play and currently the band was jamming out to a popular pop song that got most of the students on their feet, dancing along. In the corner stood a long table piled with food.

Corbyn and Daniel were already there, jamming out on the dance floor, laughing at each other's funny moves.

"Hey Corbyn! Daniel!", Jonah called out to the pair.

The two waved, "Hi!"

Jonah and Eben walked up to them.

"Where's Zach and Jack?", Eben asked.

"Ehhh probably making out or something, I don't know", Corbyn waved dismissively. "Would you like a drink? The punch is amazing".

"Yes please"

Corbyn nodded "Daniel come along with me, I'll need an extra pair of hands"

Daniel practically flew to Corbyn's outstretched hand.

Just then, Zach and Jack appeared, both giggling.

"Where have you two been?", Jonah teased.

Jack dodged the question, "Where have YOU been? You took forever!"

Eben laughed, "this idiot took a wrong turn"

Jonah laughed along with the rest of them, "sorry Mr perfect but I make mistakes too"

Daniel and Corbyn returned soon after, carrying six cups of punch. Jack lifted his cup, "i'd like to make a toast to tonight"

The rest followed suit.

"Lets get wasted!"

"NO", Zach and Jonah cried out together while the others laughed and drank to it.

They spent the night together, laughing and drinking. Zach and Jack had raided the table of food (typical) while Corbyn just keep getting punch over and over again.

A few hours later, the band began to play a slow song. The people miling around the dance floor immediately partnered up and pretty soon, almost majority of the students were swaying along the beat.

Jack put down his cup of punch and bowed down to Zach, a hand outstretched, "may I have this dance, your highness?"

Zach laughed, "sure"

They slow danced around the hall, fingers woven together.

Jack stared into Zach's eyes. "I love you so much"

Zach blinked away the tears forming in his eyes, "I love you too Jack".

As the event was coming to an end, the six of them took a picture.

Funny to think that a crumpled paper thrown across a classroom and started all of this.

Yet Zach wouldn't exchange this for anything else in the world.

The end

it has finally ended! tqsm for reading my story and supporting me! All the comments had motivated me to finish this so thank you! I dedicate this story to all of you!  -🕊🌿🌫

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