part 16: late night strolls

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Jack locked the toilet stall he was in.

Zach had insisted Jack to let him in and after all that pushing and shoving around, Jack finally relented.

"What were you doing?", Jack hissed at his boyfriend.

Zach took his hand. "Sorry baby, I couldn't help it, you look so good in my hoodie", he whispered lovingly.

Jack blushed and fiddled with the hoodie he was wearing. "Does that mean I get to keep it?", he asked shyly.

Zach leaned in to kiss Jack on the lips. "Yes baby, in fact you can have any clothes of mine. You look better in them than I do".

Jack couldn't help but giggle.

"We should go back", Jack whispered, "they might be wondering what took us so long"

"Fine..", Zach sulked, "but one last kiss"

Rolling his eyes yet still smiling, Jack leaned in to kiss him. Quick as a flash, Zach wrapped his arms around the other boy's waist.

Even though Jack loved the attention, they really need to go back. "We'll continue this later", he promised Zach, which he nodded in response.

The two returned back to their seat and finished their dinner in peace.


"So about your promise.. ", Zach trailed off. They were both lying down on Zach's bed and Zach had turned to his side to face Jack.

Jack giggled. "I didn't forget", he replied before attacking Zach with little kisses.

"Good", Zach whimpered.

"I love you so so much", Jack whispered.

"I love you too", Zach replied as he pulled Jack closer to him, "now continue kissing me!"

"Don't be greedy", Jack teased.

Zach smirked. "Sorry I can't help it, your lips are too sweet".

Jack stared at him before looking away, blushing.

Zach laughed out loud. "You look so cute when you're flustered", he said, pinching Jack's cheek.

Jack just stuck his tongue at Zach before bounding out of bed. " Lets play some board games!", he exclaimed.


"That's the 5th time I'm in jail", Jack whined.

They had decided to play monopoly and so far, Zach was winning.

"Its called a hustle, sweetheart", Zach smirked before drawing another card.

Jack pouted.

Zach noticed the look on Jack's face. Not wanting his boyfriend to feel sad or upset, he put down his cards. "Lets do something else", he smiled.

"No, no it's fine!", Jack tried to reassure him, "don't end the game because of me!"

"I'm kinda bored of this game already"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, baby"

They sat around doing nothing for sometime when Zach got an idea.

"Babe, do you wanna go for a walk?"

"A walk? But it's 1 am right now!", Jack exclaimed.

"It'll be fine, I've done this a few times before", Zach replied dismissively, "I usually climb out through the window"

Jack was still not convinced. "But what if we get caught?"

Zach planted a kiss on Jack's forehead. "We won't, I promise"

"Okay..", Jack replied hesitantly.

"We can get ice cream?", Zach suggested hopefully.

That seemed to coax Jack to go for a walk.

"Alright, let's go!", he declared excitedly.

Zach shook his head and tried to shuffle his laugh as he opened his window wide. There was a large tree in front of Zach's room. Zach climbed gingerly onto the branch closest to him. When it could support his weight, he called out to Jack.

"C'mon!", he whisper-shouted to Jack, a hand outstretched, "it's fine, I won't let you fall"

Jack lifted his trembling hand to grab Zach's. He stepped cautiously out of the window and Zach pulled him into his arms.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?", Zach asked, one hand around Jack's waist and another holding on to the trunk as support.

Jack shook his head. The two climbed down carefully and got to their feet.

"I think there's a convenience store a few blocks away", Zach whispered, "Lets go there".

Jack nodded and hand in hand, they started walking.


They were almost there to the store when they heard a cry and a sob.

Jack paused. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah.. I did", Zach said slowly, "I think it came from there"

Jack turned to where Zach pointed. It was a dark alleyway and someone (or something) cried out again.

This time, a gruff voice followed the sob.

"SHUT UP!" The voice growled and the sound of punching came, followed by cries and sobs.

"Someone's getting beaten up!", Zach exclaimed as he ran head first into the alley.

Jack tore after him, "Zach, wait! You don't know what's in there!"


Hey guys, just wanna say that this will be the last chapter for some time because my exams are coming up and they're 2 WEEKS LONG

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Hey guys, just wanna say that this will be the last chapter for some time because my exams are coming up and they're 2 WEEKS LONG. so there's a ton of shit I needa revise and I don't think I have the time to update atm. I'll be back when my exams are over, but thanks for everything. I love you guys sm

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