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Chapter 471: The Daughter That Married Rich
Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

He thought of Grandma Ye who adored Xiao Ling since she was young. Grandma Ye had been wanting to visit Xiao Ling ever since she heard that she had given birth to a son. However, they weren’t able to contact Xiao Ling, and the news reported that she was recuperating from a difficult labor, so they did not want to disturb her.

Hence, the couple rang the old lady living in the countryside.

Grandma Ye was delighted at their invitation. She asked, “Is Xiao Ling’s health all good now? Can she have visitors? Will it be inconvenient for us to go over?”

Father Ye sheepishly responded. “Actually, we’ve not met Xiao Ling yet and don’t know exactly how she is doing. We thought that she has always been close to you, and if you go with us, perhaps she will let us…”

Hearing his words, Auntie Liu anxiously snatched the phone away from Father Ye. “Mum, don’t listen to Old Ye’s rubbish. We’ve already made arrangements with Xiao Ling, don’t worry about that. You will definitely get to meet her.”

Even though Grandma Ye was blind, she was sensitive to the discrepancy in their words. She started to worry about Xiao Ling’s condition. Why didn’t they allow her family to see her? How was her husband’s family? Was she very weak now? How was the child? Were they hiding anything?

It appeared that she would have to make a trip down to be able to answer all these questions.

Hence, Grandma Ye packed her luggage and rushed to the city that very night.

This day, when Nanny Zhou went grocery shopping, she bumped into Auntie Liu again.

A middle-aged man followed behind Auntie Liu, and she was holding on to a blind old grandma.

Nanny Zhou frowned and recalled that Madam had told her not to get involved with her family members. As such, she was about to go around them and pretend that she did not see them. Yet, Auntie Liu blocked her way insistently.

Auntie Liu smiled winningly and said, “Aiyo, Nanny Zhou, don’t you recognize me? We just met several days ago!”

Seeing that there was no way to avoid her, Nanny Zhou replied, “Oh, it’s Auntie Liu. How can I help you?”

“There is indeed.” Auntie Liu continued. “Come, let me make some introductions. Nanny Zhou, this is our Old Madam, who is Xiao Ling’s paternal grandma. The old lady really wants to see her great-grandson. Nanny Zhou, will you be able to help us pass the message to Xiao Ling?”

Nanny Zhou was unmoved. “Madam already said that she won’t see the family, but will regularly send living expenses to you.”

Grandma Ye vaguely understood what was going on. Seeing that Nanny Zhou seemed to be rather reverent to Xiao Ling and was slighting Auntie Liu, it seemed that Auntie Liu had been trying to get money out from Xiao Ling, and hence, Xiao Ling did not want to see them.

Wealth attracted the unwelcome, and Xiao Ling had done her part in regularly sending money back. Avoiding them was to be expected.

After all, Xiao Ling was not close to her parents since she was young. Auntie Liu frequently bullied her in the past, not feeding her well and not giving her enough warm clothes in the cold seasons. Hitting and scolding her were also frequent occurrences. She had a hard time at home, and now that she was doing well, for her to still remember to send money back home was already a big show of filial piety.

Grandma Ye silently scolded Father Ye and Auntie Liu in her heart for being so shameless.

But she really wanted to see her granddaughter and great-grandson. As such, she took a step forward and addressed Nanny Zhou. “Miss, can I trouble you to just help an old lady and pass a message to your Madam that I’m here? She was brought up by me and has been very close to me since she was a child. If she knows that I’m here, she will be willing to see us.”

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