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Chapter 951: The Last Craze
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The colorful snakes squirmed, piling up in layers and chasing in their direction.

Xia Ling looked down at them and understood that they were chasing the smell of blood! As long as the two were still injured, and still dripping blood, this chase would not stop!

What to do?!

Suddenly, she said a blessing to her soul before biting down harshly on her fingers and swinging it into the distance.

She bit too harshly, and the blood spewed out like a broken thread of a necklace. The snakes immediately gathered around, and many of them left the high snake pile and chased after the direction of the blood. The snake pile became a lot lower, thus, even if the snakes at the top were to leap, they would not be able to touch the feet of the two no matter how high they flew.

Xia Ling’s heart was overjoyed, and she swung out the beads of her blood one after another.

Between the two, one climbed up with gritted teeth, and the other one guarded against the snakes below. As if hundreds of millions of years had passed, they finally arrived at the high platform. The moment his two feet touched the ground, Li Lei’s physical strength was overdrawn, and he could not hold it in anymore. He fell directly to the ground.

“Li Lei!” Xia Ling was bound to him and fell to the ground together with him, but she couldn’t care less about the pain. She squatted and pushed him. “Li Lei, how are you doing? Wake up! Wake up!”

However, the man’s eyes stayed tightly shut and he could not wake up no matter how much she called.

Xia Ling cried and looked at him. He was soaked in sweat as if he had been fished out of the lake. The palms of his hands were already worn out by the rough steel cables, and his flesh and blood were blurred. What was even more shocking was that there were several wounds on his arms and ankles that were bitten by the snakes. Black blood oozed out of the deep blood holes. Xia Ling was too scared, she understood how poisonous the snakes that Li Feng had bred were. She could not think too much, and bowed her head to suck away the venom in the wound. After sucking for a long time, she finally saw that the black blood had gradually turned back to dark red.

Yet his face was still a scary iron green.

“Li Lei! Li Lei!” she cried. “Nothing can happen to you, nothing can happen to you…”

She did not even know that below her body, a big pool of blood had gathered unbeknownst to her…

Here, she cried and mourned, and there, Xia Moyan, who had finally completed the cover task, could no longer hold the sniper rifle anymore. The face that had lost too much blood was as white as paper, and he fainted to the ground.

By his side, Pei Ziheng silently watched him fall to the ground.

The tall man crossed the body of Xia Moyan with one foot, took the sniper rifle, and silently aimed at the unconscious person on the distant platform. Li Lei… As long as he died, no one would ever fight with him for Xiao Ling anymore.

Pei Ziheng looked at the person in the aiming plane, his expression gradually becoming cold.

Yes, he was terminally ill. In the most desperate time, he was also fortunate that there was a man like Li Lei who was beside Xiao Ling. However, looking at her sitting on the ground, holding the man and crying her heart out, his heart felt as uncomfortable as though a knife had stabbed it, and a feeling called jealousy rose up in him. At his ear, a devil seemed to keep repeating the words, [Pei Ziheng, kill him. Kill him and Xiao Ling will be yours! So what if you are about to die? She will be able to accompany you wholeheartedly in your last remaining days! There will no longer be any Li Lei, no longer any obstacles! You two can even go back to the past and you can even propose to her!]

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