Chapter 10

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Natsu was feasting on the food Archer got him as he processed what she had told him. He was aware that something weird would happen but he didn't know what and when it happened he just wasn't very conscious of it. Apparently that weird gate he remembered was dubbed the eclipse gate. Walking through that gate was one of his last memory. His most recent was waking up in a forest with no sign of anyone he knew. There was no Gajeel, Sting, Rogue, Wendy. Not even Archer and Igneel. He didn't know where he was and where the others were. He was alone and he was scared as he wandered around. And then he remembered that Archer always told him that when such a thing happen it's best to stay calm and think things through.

At some point he stumbled upon the old man and he offered to take him to Fairy Tail. He would give him a place to stay and make sure he was fed. It was a good offer so he tagged along.

Good thing he followed the kind stranger.

So Archer told him the eclipse gate led to the future. Four hundred years into the future to be precise. Why they were sent to the future was not disclosed. Archer sometimes kept secrets when she sees the need to. He didn't bother pushing her. It was no use. She never budged when her mind was set.

The reason why he couldn't find everyone was because they were all scattered. Igneel was no where to be found because apparently Archer had dabbled in a bit of enchantment magic with Irene and somehow sealed him in a key. She just has to hunt him down. Also she has to find one of her white keys. A specific one that will help her hunt down the others very easily.

"Did you process everything? "

Natsu nodded with food in his mouth. He didn't know why things were how they were, but Archer probably did so he would leave it at that. If he needed to know something she would tell him. He was content at the moment. At least he found his big sis.

"Slow down, you'll choke"

"No I won't" Natsu said defiantly and continued at the same fast pace.

Archer sighed when the boy started to choke just as she predicted. His cup had no water in it and for a moment she just watched him suffer in silence. At some point she took his cup and willed water into. She pushed it towards him and watched him gulp it down. She raised an eyebrow when the boy sighed and cleared his throat.

"I'll slow down"

"Good to know" Archer rested her chin in her palm as she watched the eight year old enjoy his food. "Chew your food properly"

Natsu nodded as he took another massive bite of his chicken leg. It was delicious. He wondered who the guild's cook was. Everything in front of him was heavenly.

"After your meal go to the old man and get your guild mark" Archer instructed.

Natsu nodded again.

"He should have a place for you to stay as well"

Another nod.

"Did you hear a word I just said? " Archer asked with a knowing look.

Natsu froze for a moment and shook his head no. Archer sighed and flicked his forehead.

"Don't zone out so much, you need to be aware of what's taking place around you" Archer scolded and lectured. "How do you wish to beat me one day when you refuse to follow my good advice? "

Natsu swallowed whatever food he had in his mouth with a determined look on his face. "I'll train everyday and kick your butt in the future"

Archer hummed, amused. "Is that so? "

"Yeah. I'll teach Igneel a lesson too! And that metal head. Wait till I find that idiot. I have a bone to pick with him"

Archer could see that playing out in her head. The last time the two had a disagreement they destroyed a forest. She sighed.

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