eight ━━ a free bird stuck in a cage

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CHAPTER EIGHT: a free bird stuck in a cage

CHAPTER EIGHT: a free bird stuck in a cage

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❛ she is 𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙫𝙚 ❜

( i ask that you all please go read the author's note on the next part, which will be titled the end. i promise that you'll want to after reading this chapter. )

JUNIPER REMINDED HERSELF that she had intentionally intended to wait for Jason to make his choice. But she could not take it anymore. She needed to get away, she was desperate. Maybe she could find some way to get him far away from the League, maybe she could find a way to stay in her dreams so she could see him and never have to worry about anyone waking her up or the sun disturbing her time with him. Still, she knew that he was in a dangerous predicament, working for Ra's because his brain was fried and so he had no control over himself. She just hoped that when she found him, he would be able to give her an answer or a way out. If not. . .well, she was not really sure what would happen.

When her eyes opened, she realized that she was outside in some sort of garden. There were luscious green hedges but no flowers from what she could see. There was a huge fountain in the middle, much like the one, she had seen in the courtyard during her first visit to the base. It even had a dragon on top, his mouth stretched open water spewing out. She stared for a moment before she heard her name. The voice was a bit away so she almost thought it was someone in the real world calling her name to try and wake her up, but then she looked behind her and saw Jason coming towards her. His mask was gone but he still wore his suit. However, there was a bag on his shoulder and his katana was attached to his back. His hair now sported two white streaks near the front.

"Your hair," she signed, looking confused. "What happened? Did you. . .?"

"I found the pit but it was guarded by assassins," he explained quickly, using his voice. He could speak now. "I had to take them down and once I did. . .well. . .I think you can figure out the rest."

"Where are you going?" The bag he was carrying looked light but there was still no reason for him to have it with him, not unless he was going somewhere. Then came her question. It felt a bit silly to assume he was coming to get her. That was until he gave her a genuine smile, all teeth, with a wicked gleam in his eyes. Her lips parted. "You're coming for me?" He rose a brow as if to tease her.

"Ra's is on my tail, so I figured if I'm on the run, I could come and get you. You'd like that, right?" She nodded profusely. Tears she did not even know was gathering in her eyes suddenly spilled over and she covered her mouth. This was happening. He was coming to get her. He was going to take her away and bring her somewhere where she would not be surrounded by judgemental stares or pitying smiles. "Something's wrong." His sudden words threw her off-guard, causing her to sniffle and look away. "What happened?"

ONCE UPON A DREAM ─ jason toddWhere stories live. Discover now