Chapter 1

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M/N walk to the school, ignoring that a lot of people were looking at him.

His blonde hair shining under the light. His jewel blue eyes can make others weak just by looking at them.

M/N decided to transfer to Karasuno after you and other miracles graduated from Teiko.

The male thought that everything will be peacefully over when he go to the once powerhouse school.

Ignoring,that other miracles go to the powerhouse but him.

You walk passed to the students, ignoring what they are whispering.

"Oh my God,he look so hot!"

"Isn't he M/N Walker de Noah?"

"I think I'm gay now"

Yeah. It's all normal for M/N since it happened the same thing when M/N attended to Teiko.

It's all the same like always.


The school bell ring making the students went back to their class.

Yachi sit back to her chair,waiting for their homeroom teacher to come to them.

The door slide open showing their homeroom teacher. He walk in front of the table and put the book that he was holding on his table.

"We have a transfer student today. Please treat him with respect"

Some students start to mutter about how the transfer student will look.

"You can come in now"The door slide open showing the blonde haired male.
He lazily walk where the homeroom teacher was standing.

"Please introduce yourself"(Teacher Name) request to M/N.

"M/N Walker de Noah"(Teacher Name) and Yachi sweatdropped at your short introduction. You kinda look familiar to the girl eyes.

"He's hot!"

"Isn't he the last bloodline of Walker family?"

"I'm gay now"

"Isn't he the seventh miracle?!"

"The Tyrant Emperor?!"

M/N just look at each students in the class with bored look on his face. "Walker-San. You can sit behind Yachi-San, Yachi-San please raise your hand"

Yachi nervously raised her hand while M/N slowly walk passed to other students,making them fangirl/fanboy to you.

You sit on your chair. Soon the lesson begins.

M/N just slept on his table since he already know what the teacher was going to teach to them.

The Tyrant Emperor (Haikyuu X Male Reader X Kuroko No Basket),Where stories live. Discover now