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*elise pov* *4 month anniversary*
I woke up on the couch Shawn isn't next to me but I swear he would've taken me to bed if he went to bed, the house is quite "Matt?" I got no answer "jj?" Nothing "Gilinsky, Shawn?" Still no answer. I check the time 10:30am "they should be up by now.. and where's Shawn" I say to myself as I walk and check every room. Nothing. No gifts, no note, no breakfast. I walk to my bathroom and take a quick shower and changing into something cute in case he's bringing me a surprise. Blow dry my hair then straighten it and did a very natural Smokey eye look. It's already 11:50am still no one is here I text Shawn.

E-where are you?
*baby read message*
E-Shawn just answer me please?
*baby read message*
E-You know what. Whatever! If you aren't going to answer me it's fine. I just wanted to know if you were okay, since you turned off your location! To do god knows what, I can't believe you hiding things from me after I let you take my virginity last night! Don't make me regret it!!
*baby read message*

"Ugh" I groan and finally decide to make my self breakfast and I eat in this quite house once I'm done I wash the dishes when I hear a knock on the door so I go to open the door and the door swings open "search the place" I've heard that voice before it's John. My eyes widen and I go to call Shawn when he pushes me against the wall causing me to drop my phone "don't you even dare" John says trying to disguise his voice "you know what come here you little slut" he grabs my arm tightly as the two other guys destroy my house knocking everything over he throws me into the closet and ties me to the wooden pole "wow you really are a little slut aren't you" he says pulling down my turtle neck ripping my shirt in the process to show my hickey "little miss virgin is a stupid skank who fucks anyone who she comes across huh you stupid bitch" he says smacking me across the face and continues to beat me as I cry trying to get away as he unzips my skirt now leaving me in my bra and underwear "you may be a skank but you have a hot ass fucking body that I want and would enjoy fucking" he says using the knife he had to cut off my undergarments by now I'm bawling my eyes out screaming and crying "boss we got to go" the two guys come into the closet "shit she's hot" one of them says
"Fuck let's take her with us.." another bigger guy said "nah we do the deed here" he says as he starts touching me "please no stop stop!" I yell crying they untie me from the pole and grab me, I try to make a run from it but I didn't get far they grabbed me and threw me on the bed beating me until I passed out "tie her up, fuck the cops"along with them running out was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

*shawns pov*
I was getting a few last things for mine and elises anniversary when i got a text

E-where are you?
*read message*
E-Shawn just answer me please?
*read message*
E-You know what. Whatever! If you aren't going to answer me it's fine. I just wanted to know if you were okay, since you turned off your location! To do god knows what, I can't believe you hiding things from me after I let you take my virginity last night! Don't make me regret it!!
*read message*

I feel bad for not responding but I'm just getting the last few things I need to make today special. Next thing I know I'm getting a call knowing I can't just avoid her because of the surprise I answer "hi Babygirl" it's silent for a while then I hear "search the place" my eyes widen fuck I text Matt and the jacks to get home and forget about helping me that the house was getting robbed and that I was going to call the cops. I called the cops and they were on there way I leave and drive home as fast as I possibly could without getting pulled over I see the jacks and Matt barely getting home as well cops all around us. "We got one tied in the bedroom" one cop yells "ELISE!" I run but cops stop me "we have to finish searching the place" he says "is she okay?! I'm her boyfriend, that's her brother, and our roommates, please tell me she's okay" I ask "unfortunately" the cop starts and pauses I can't believe how stupid I was why did I leave her alone "it seems they were going to try to rape her and she put up a fight they knocked her out cold beat up pretty badly from the looks of it they didn't manage to rape her" I stop him "how do you know they didn't?!" I yell "because only one hand was tied to the bed" I take a deep breath that they weren't able to rape her "house is clear they seem to have stolen jewelry, computers. We got the security camera footage she should be waking up but her knee needs to get checked out we're calling an ambulance to come get her" we all nod I walk in and see her laying on the bed I put her robe on her carefully and they take her to the hospital all three of us following behind

*elise pov*
I woke up in the hospital and was told the cops got there in time before they were able to do anything sexually my knee is fucked up again. "Hi baby" Shawn says softly walking into the room "hi" I look at him "where were you" I say sadly "I was getting a surprise ready I'm so so so so sorry I didn't answer this is all my fault" he says sadly "no it's not.. it's not your fault, when can I go home" I ask "now they're bringing in your knee brace then we go home" he says and I nod. Shawn told me the jacks and Matt are cleaning up the house and that's why they aren't here, we eventually left and made it back home I just sit on the couch lifting my leg and I end up drifting off.

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