Ch. 26

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*Ellise pov*

Just another sleepless night, I still toss and turn all night long trying not to wake up shawn. I feel so safe with him yet I'm also so terrified even though I know he would never hurt me. I look over at him sleeping peacefully And smile getting up sneaking into the bathroom do do my makeup to cover up these under eye circles, so they don't freak out and worry about me not sleeping, I go lay back in bed turning the tv on I start browsing YouTube as two strong arms wrap around my waist "why are you up so early" shawn mumbles quietly. I look down at him and smile "just an early bird I guess" I run my hands through his hair "really?" He pauses and looks at me "cuz I felt you moving around a lot last night. We're you having a nightmare Babygirl?" He asks as his eyes quickly scan my face "I just felt hot and couldn't get comfor-" I get cut off "why are you wearing Makeup" he asks as he sits up reaching for my face "it's nothing shawn just covering the bruises" I slightly smile "E, the bruises on your face are gone and your other ones are slowly fading what is it really?" He says in a serious tone "shawn it's nothing. I can do my makeup whenever I want and whenever I feel like it okay!" I slightly yell, I get up and change into something comfortable and I storm out of the room grabbing my phone and slamming the door as I walk out of my house.

*shawns pov*

She yelled at me and I just starred at her like a complete idiot and she left. She slammed the door and left I don't know where she was going to go. I don't know what to do it's like she snapped. "Yo who slammed the door?! That shit woke me up" G asked walking into Ellises room
"It was Ellise she just snapped I-I don't know what happened" I say looking at them confused as J and Matt walked up. "Did she seem ok?" Jj asked "I mean yeah I just asked why She decided to wear makeup cuz it's really early" I say shrugging "where could she have gone" Matt asks "I honestly don't know" I sigh "I-it's like I don't even know her.." i looks down "do you think maybe you two were um I don't know rushed? Like you guys didn't get the time to actually like take time and get to know each other" G asks "get to know each other I already know her!" I say "do you though? You know Lexie not Ellise. Since she came back I could tell she was my sister but she is way different." Matt adds "ugh" I sigh zoning out maybe he's right maybe it was to soon maybe it's putting to much pressure on her. "Hello earth to shawn" G waves his hand in front of my face "I'm sorry what?" I question "we said maybe we should give her some space, sleep in your own room unless she asks, don't question her so much" Matt says "should I ask her if we should take a break? Like hold off on us just a little while?" I look at them "I think it would help but that's up to you man" jj says and everyone agrees. I nod grabbing my phone.

*texting Ellise*

Shawn: hey I'm sorry for questioning you I didn't do it to upset you...
E: it's whatever shawn
Shawn: do you feel rushed being with me? You can be honest. If you do we can take a break and just wait until you aren't pressured..?
E: if I have to be honest... I do kinda feel pressured and I feel like we rushed into this to fast. I hope you understand.. it's kinda why I kinda blew out of the house. Still best friends?
Shawn: always E. Well you know where I live 😉😂
E: you're such a goof Shawny.

*ellise pov*

"We just broke up taking things slow" I look up at Mikey and Bryce "how have you been doing? Since we last talked you almost got hit by a car" Mikey questions his voice laced with concern "I've been okay... kinda got beat.." I say looking down "John beat you?!!!!?? That little shit why'd he do it?!" Bryce asked "we were out on a date and I bumped into G  and he got all jealous and left and then I went back to his place to talk it out and explain what happened but he was asleep and I fell asleep there cuz at the time I lived there too and in the morning I was explaining what happened and I said we should break up or something like that and he got all aggressive" I sigh "he's a dick head" Mikey says "do you guys want to come over?" I ask them "I have a meeting in a few so I can't" Bryce frowns "I would love too" Mikey smiles "then I'll see you guys later it was good catching up" Bryce smiles and leaves as me and Mikey walk to the car and get in talking the whole ride home. We get home and just as I expected I hear yells coming from the backyard followed by splashes meaning all the guys are in the pool. Mikey and I walk in to see a dripping wet shawn in the kitchen "shawn! You're wetting the floor the least you could've done was dry yourself a little" I Yelp slightly " E it's fine I just came to get the boys and myself some snacks and refreshments I'll be out before" he turns around shocked seeing Mikey "before what?!" I say starring at the puddle he left in the kitchen "before you know it" he says as he walks out with everything looking at me one last time I could see he was hurt but why? Mikeys only a friend and they all know that. Matt has texted me earlier asking about the other empty rooms in this house and asked if more of the guys could move in since the rooms are now empty since I had everything stored in the rooms I said it was fine but I don't know when they're moving in. Me and Mikey hung out all afternoon and he eventually went home and I fell asleep avoiding the guys.

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