Chapter 1

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Ren's POV

As I woke up this morning I stretched yawned and got out of bed all my clothes was basically on the floor so I just picked some up and put them on I then went over to my shelf of anime figures and looked at them I didn't have many but I liked them I was supposed to have some more come by mail today but this is what I had so far.

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I liked them they basically kept me company I was lonely but it can't be help I then went over to my front door to check the mail I got my mail on my porch which was nice I saw I had a letter I took it and I went back inside and I opened it to read

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I liked them they basically kept me company I was lonely but it can't be help I then went over to my front door to check the mail I got my mail on my porch which was nice I saw I had a letter I took it and I went back inside and I opened it to read.

Note: are you lonely,want a friend someone that you can finally trust to not hurt hurt you if so just circle yes or no.

I was like.

Ren: the hell?

I took a pen and circled yes but I also saw that there was a rose drawing on the bottom of the paper I put the piece of Papp away as I got a ding on my phone I looked at a text message from the shipping company I was using for my anime figures.

Ren: aw they're going to take at least another 2 days I hate snow here.

It was the beginning of a new year and well it would always snow around this time I can get sick easy so I tend to have my groceries just delivered to my porch well not as much groceries but more like take out McDonald's Wendy's stuff like that I then decided to watch a movie.

Time skip.

I put on a movie it was almost over as I heard my door bell ring I was in a small 2 bedroom house it wasn't much but it was home I went over to the door I looked out the peep hole and I didn't see anyone outside so I opened the door and I saw a reddish brown box with a familiar metallic rose on the top of it I was confused I bent over and picked it up and brought it inside my house and put it on the couch with me I then opened it up to see.

Ren: a doll?

I picked up the doll and looked at it her eyes was so pretty her skin felt soft to the touch it was like I was holding a mini person.

I had a shelf across my room and I went over there and put her on it honestly it felt like she was real I can't explain it but I then went over to her box I saw that it was like a small bed in there I picked the box up and put it over by her I the...

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I had a shelf across my room and I went over there and put her on it honestly it felt like she was real I can't explain it but I then went over to her box I saw that it was like a small bed in there I picked the box up and put it over by her I then started to play my game.

Shinku's pov.

I was sat on a shelf by this human child really he didn't have any knowledge how to treat lady I haven't heard anyone else in this house da boy his age shouldn't be living alone but his parents may be at work or something similar to that I saw him playing a game of some sort it looked blocky it then says minecraft on the screen where I was at I could see the whole living room it wasn't the best shape there was a few things of clothes on the floor but other then that it was ok honestly how does his parents live like this I then noticed other dolls on a wall across from me they looked like they was well kept maybe this isn't a bad place.

Time skip.

After a hour of him playing that game he got up and started to dust his doll's off making sure that they was clean as I then heard him.

???: There we go all clean I hope you all liked that.

He said that with a big smile on his face as he then looked over at me and said.

???: Hmm I guess I should clean you too.

I wanted to yell at him but I couldn't as he got close to me I heard his doorbell ring as he then had the happiest little face I could see as he then yelled.

???: *Excited* My food!

I then saw go over to the door and I hear.

???: Subway for ren?

Ren: that's me thanks!

The guy then left as I now know the kids name he was happily eating his sandwich after he was finished eating he kept playing that game after a while he fell asleep on the couch by accident I wonder if he'll find my wind up key.

Time skip.

I saw him starting to wake up it was morning as he got up his hair was messy as then sneezed and grabbed a cover and then covered up up but he then walked over to me looking at me he looked at me with curious eyes as he then said.

Ren: oh yeah now I remember this was left on my porch.

He then picked me up it wasn't the right way but I could tell he was trying his best to carful with me until I felt him graze where my wind up key would go he turned me around as I then heard him say.

Ren: oh she's a wind up doll I wonder if her key is in her box?

He sat me down on the couch and went over to my box when he brought it over I was at an angle where I could see in to my box but i didn't see my key I then heard him.

Ren: oh no wonder I didn't see it before it fell in the side of the box.

I mentally sighed as he picked up my golden key he then took me in to his arm's and he put the wind up key in to my keyhole and he started winding me up I can feel myself starting to gain control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 times that he wound me up.

Rens POV.

As I finished winding up the doll I thought I saw it starting to move in my arms I accidentally dropped her on to the couch as I fell backwards on to my floor as she started to slowly rise off the couch I slowly backed away thinking.

Ren: ( no it's chicly in real life!)

As she full stood up I felt fear come over me as I then see starting to walk over to me I kept backing away as I then hit the wall with my back I felt tears in my eyes as she got close to me I closed my eyes and I covered my face I was so scared right now but just then I heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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