Queen Of Misery

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The toilet's her throne of
As she tattoos her pain
Into her unmarked thighs
In the forms of slashes
Because words cannot express
The wretched horror she has experienced
Her heart has been stabbed
One too many times
To ever beat for love again
Her mouth's been gagged
Too many times
To ever speak freely again
Her minds been tampered with
Way too many times
To ever work properly again
And her loyal subjects
That bring her the pain she thinks she deserves
Are her only friends
The knife
The razor
The rope
The pills
The pen
The paper
The mirror
She rules her kingdom in fear
Because it's the only thing keeping her stable
Keeping her alive
But subjects always falter in their loyalty
And the time will come
When the Queen of Misery
Will be assassinated
By her own friends
As her soul was
Long ago.

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