✨Chapter 4✨

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It's now 7 something in the morning and i wake up only to feel a warm body pressed up against me. So i wiggled a little to get more comfortable making someone let out a loud moan. I started to panic but then i remembered that Alessandro was in the bed with me so i wiggled my ass a little to get closer to him because i was kinda cold. As i did that he let out a little groan before snaking his arm around my waist as he cupped my pussy making me shiver and bite my lip to stop myself from making any noise. I tried to roll away from him before i did something to embarrass myself but he tighter his grip around me and pressed his middle finger in between my pussy lips while pressing on my clit making me moan out his name. "Calm down love, i know that your not fully awake but if you keep moving your ass on me, i might just fuck you awake {bambina}. Now... is that what you want princessa?"

" N-no daddy". I moaned out before he flipped me over to face him. " my beautiful baby. Good morning love". I was going to say something but then i heard my work alarm go off. I cursed under my breath and rolled out of my bed. "Watch your mouth baby unless you want me to bend over me knee". He said as i was heading to the bathroom to clean myself. Before i entered i turned around. "sorry daddy". I said while pouting making him chuckle. I went inside the bathroom and started to brush my teeth before i showered. I soon got out of the shower and decided to put my clothes on in here because i was to shy to go out in a towel.
( y'all saw how he reacted to me in my robe soooooo. I was not taking any chances.)

I started to put my work clothes on. I put on a pastel pink skirt with a buttoned up shirt tucked Into to it. I then fixed my light brow tie around my neck of the shirt before walking out of the bathroom.

 I then fixed my light brow tie around my neck of the shirt before walking out of the bathroom

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I walked into my room while tying  my hair into a low ponytail. I was going to ask Alessandro to drop me off the work, but when i walked in he was gone. I was kinda sad that he left without saying bye to me but i had to get to work so i slipped my white flats on, grabbed my purse and bolted towards the door so i can hurry and catch the next bus. As i reached down stairs I saw daddies car pull up and got confused because I thought he left. He rolled down the window and told me to hop in, so i did. I mean who would pass up a free ride in a sexy ass car.

Anyways🙄, he stared to drive to my job then i felt him slide his hand over my legs, like this:

Anyways🙄, he stared to drive to my job then i felt him slide his hand over my legs, like this:

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I let out a deep breath as i felt the tingles go straight to my core. "Daddy, w-what are y-ou doing"? (Daddy chill. I'm sorry I just had to😅)

I said as i tried to act like it did not bother me. Nothing sweetheart. I just wanted to rest my hand somewhere comfortable". "Huh?!? Rest ur hand my ass". I thought to myself. But for he could slide his hands any further i quickly took my seatbelt off and pointed towards my job, which is a cute light pink cafe/bakery.

He laughed at me making my blush before pulling over so i could get out of the car

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He laughed at me making my blush before pulling over so i could get out of the car. I was kinda nervous because people were starting to stare at the car. Alessandro grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Don't be nervous love. It's ok". He said while smiling at me. He then got out of the car and jogged to the other side of the car so he could open the door for me. He reached form my hand and i took it. As soon as i got out of the car i felt all eyes one me, so i blushed and looked down. He say that i was uncomfortable so he started to walk me to the bakery. We entered and people were staring AGAIN!! It was starting to get annoying. Have a good day at work baby". He said before kissing my head and walking out. I looked up to see MJ looking at me like i just gave him a million bucks. So i quickly walked behind the counter and put my purse in the cabinet.

I tried to stay as far away from MJ as i can because he is going to start grilling me and if i tell him anything he will scream out repeating everything i say so I'll just save my self the embarrassment and tell him in private.

Work was kinda tiering because i had to keeping running away from MJ, making orders, rejecting the teenage boys that come here to flirt and dealing with angry girlfriends that are mad at me because their boyfriends are staring. "Like how the hell is that MY FAULT!?!?" I thought to myself while trying to make me a caramel latte before Alessandro came to pick me up. I was done making my latte when i saw MJ speeding to me with a huge grin n his face. So i did the most rational thing i could think of. I ran. I literal bolted out of the shop and searched for Alessandro's car. I spotted his cars down the street, so i started speed walking towards it like my ass was on fire

Before i could get close to his car, MJ's sneaky ass popes up in front of me scaring me shitless. I dropped my latte and tried to move away from him but he grabbed my arms and started asking me a lot of questions as he screamed and jumped up and down like a damn bunny.






He got cut off be a horn honking at us. We looked to where the sound was coming from and we saw his car so MJ pushed me towards the car while letting out a high pitched squeal. I was about to hop in the car until he yelled.


I got in the car blushing so hard that i looks like a damn tomato. I heard Alessandro laughing laughing like he heard the worlds funniest joke. So i slide down in my seat and blushed even hard if that's even possible. The car started to move and i was just dreading the car ride to my house because i know for a fact that he is going to want to come in the house with me.

Sorry for the late updates -🥲

1189 words -❤️

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