✨Chapter 5✨

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The car ride home was horrible!! That little asshole was teasing me the whole car ride. "So princessa, Do really think I have a big dick"? He said while trying to hide the huge grin on his face. " N-no i was just, ummmm. MJ was just h-high. Yeah he was high. He was not even talking about u at all". I stuttered.( really? That's the best i could come up with? Nw i feel fucking stupid.) i said to myself while mentally slapping myself. "Oh baby don't lie to me." He said while smirking. "I-I'm not lying". I muttered under my breath. " So your telling my that i cant blow your back-" before he even finished that sentence i quickly cut him off. " OK! OK! Stop teasing me please." I said while looking in his eyes and pouting. "Ok love ill stop teasing." He said while smiling at me.

After a long and embarrassing car ride with Alessandro we finally arrived to my place. So as soon as he parked the car I bolted out of it because i know he would start teasing me again. I'm half way to my door and i hear a booming laughter and foot steps behind me. I knew it was his so i giggled and started to run faster. When i got to my door i was horrified, so i let out a scream and moved away from it. Alessandro must have heard me because i heard him running fast while calling out my name in a panic. He finally reached me and asked me what was wrong. "Are you ok my love? Why did you scream amor?" He asked while caressing my checks. "L-look. They t-trashed it." I saiid while trying my to brake down. I pointed towards the door and he turned around to see what i was scaring me.

Once he saw inside my home his eyes darkened and he looked really angry. He then quickly took his phone out and started to scream at someone in Italian but i did not hear wha the other person was saying. " Non ti ho detto stupidaggini di vegliare su casa sua? Allora perche cazzo il suo posto e distrutto? Cosa intendi con non lo sai? Beh, allora e meglio sperare di scoprirlo altrimenti lo faro ma 3 proiettili nel tuo assto capito?"
{Translation: Didn't I tell you dumdasses to watch over her house!?! Then how the fuck was someone able to brake in without being noticed!?! What do you mean you don't know!?! Well then i better hope you find out or else I'll pop 3 bullets up your ass, got it!?!}

5 minutes later a group of men come run into my house and start searching for something.
"D-daddy who are they doing?" I said whispering to him. " Don't worry love they are just some people who work for me. Their going to search for some clues and ask you some questions. Is that ok with you darling?" He whispered back to me while rubbing my back. "Yes i-its ok." I said while breathing in his sent to calm myself  down. Sometime later they start to pack their stuff up and make their way towards me. The man with the curly brown hair who's name is Jacob pulled a note pad out and started to ask me the questions.

( A bitch is to lazy for this so imma skip to the last questions)😌

"Do you have anyone who would want to hurt you or get back you for some reason?" He said while shifting on his feet because of how angry Alessandro looks. I gulped and nodded my head yes making him and Alessandro look at me with serious expressions. "Tell us who and why." They both said in low voices making me kinda scared but i ignored that feeling and told them while looking at the ground. " there was this girl named Kenna that went to school with me and my other f-friends." I said as started to get nervous. But Alessandro started to rub my back again calming me down in an instant. "It's ok baby. You can tell us." He said in a reassuring voice.  "Ok so who is Kenna?" Jacob asking me while tilting his head. Ummmm, s-she is a girl that was obsessed with me. They both gave me a look telling to go on with my story so i took a deep breath and started telling them everything.

"Ok. So she was a lesbian but i did not know she was, so why we would hang out with each other she would flirt with me and touch me. I didn't really care because i would flit with her back since she was my friend i felt comfortable to to things around her, like eating undressed, walking around with panties on, Sharon the same bed and sitting on each other's laps. But i guess she took it the wrong way but never told me about her feeling. But everything went down hill when boy started to ask me out and look at me. She would start fights with them and then they would go missing a few days later. When they kept asking me out the would get made at me then more people went missing, but then i ended my friend ship with her after she hit me. She never left me alone tho. I would see her follow me everywhere and every boy that takes to me ended up dead. But then one day i was walking home and i got pulled into an ally."

"It was Kenna. She told me that i played with her feeling and that i cheated on her, but when i told her i never knew about her being gay or about us never being together she got mad and beat me up. The next day i woke up in the hospital and i told the police and doctors every single thing she has done. They went to her house and arrested her b-but the also found  the b-bodies of the missing boys in her b-basement." I stoped talking for a moment so i would not cry. Daddy say this and he kissed my four head telling me that its ok and for me to keep going. So i started talking again.

"After they cleaned up the bodies they took me to the station to question me. After all that i was going to leave b-but i bumped into the officer holding Kenna. She started laughing and said that i would be next and that she will be the first and only person to ever touch or f-fuck me. After she said that i just ran to MJ's house cried, and that was the last time i ever seen or heard from her."

I finished talking and i looked up at Jacob. When i looked up at him i saw him including daddy and the other men looking at me with shocked expressions. So i quickly ran to daddy and hide my face in his chest out of embarrassment. Daddy had said something to the men but i was to tired to care about what he said. The men stared to leave and daddy told me he would take me to his house but i was half wake so what he said was muffled. I felt him pick me up and start walking, after that everything went dark and i fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed-🥰

1262 words-❤️

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