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"I don't know what to do

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"I don't know what to do."

I feel alone. I feel as if I can't trust anyone. But then again, why am I letting Jack mess with my head... all he's ever told me is lies. I don't know what to do. My train of thoughts was cut as the door to my bedroom swung open. "Hey, babe." Finn came in, kissing me on my forehead.

"Hello." I smiled up at him. I gazed into his eyes, the love I had for this boy was unmeasurable. His smile made my anxiety fade, and so did the thought of Jack and his lies. Finn placed a hand on my shoulder, I felt safe with him.  "You know we could go for a walk tomorrow, you know to the cliffs." I suggested, clutching his hand.

"Of course. Just be sure to hold my hand... I don't want you to fall." he joked.


I gazed over the edge. Half of me expected to see Jack, lurking on the beach below, but as my eyes gazed upon the area, there was no sign of him. The cliffs held so much trauma for me, constantly reminding of Jacob's funeral and what I saw that day. However, it was getting easier every time and helped the healing process. Finn came beside me and intertwined his fingers with mine, "I love you." he mumbled into my ear, the sound of his voice still gave me butterflies.

We said nothing, hand in hand, being together was all we needed. However, the moment was cut short as the ringing of the phone cut the silence. "Sorry." Finn apologised, reaching into his pocket. He glanced and raised a brow, "Can I take this?"

"Of course." I replied with a short smile. The boy nodded back to me and walked over to the car, which was parked on the side of the road, not too far from the cliff where I was standing. I turned back to the view of the sky which rested upon the sea line.

Getting over everything was going to be a long journey, but it was certainly one I was willing to take.

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