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I tapped my fingers against the teacup

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I tapped my fingers against the teacup. I glanced up and look him in his green eyes. 
"What do you want to talk about?" Asher asked, raising a brow before taking a sip of his tea.
I arranged to meet up with Asher at the small coffee shop a few miles away from home; it was quite desolate in this area of town, which was something I enjoyed. I like the peace and quiet, and I promised Finn I'd stay away from Asher and Jack "for my own safety" as Finn would put it.
I took a gulp and gazed back into his eyes, "Why did he stab you?"
Asher instantly took his eyes off mine, I didn't even have to say his name to know who we were talking about. He stayed silent for a few seconds, before flicking his eyes back to mine. "I don't know." he replied bluntly.
"Not a clue?" I furrowed my brows, he was clearly not letting off all he knew.
"Look, Sadie... I've had this conversation already with the police. I wouldn't never come here if I knew this was going to be an interrogation." he huffed in annoyance, beginning to gather his stuff.
I sighed, I knew it was a bad idea anyway. I watched him get up from his chair silently and walk over to the exit, however, before leaving he stopped. He turned to me,

"Even if I knew, it's not as if I'd tell you anyway."


"Where've you been?" My boyfriend questioned, resting his feet upon the sofa as I entered the room.
I didn't like lying to Finn, "Millie invited me out for coffee." I shot him my most convincing smile.
He analysed me for a second, then took his eyes off me. He motioned for me to sit beside him on the sofa, as I did. I slumped next to the boy as I felt his arm fall around me and hold me tight.
"Babe..." I said.
"Yes?" Finn replied, turning his head to look at me.
"Why did he, you know, stab Asher?" I questioned, shifting around.
"Who knows, maybe seeing him... triggered a memory? You know Jack went through it growing up." he shrugged.

Triggered a memory? Interesting.

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