xxxi. heidi macavoy ᵀᴱᴿᴹᴵᴺᴬᵀᴱᴰ

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the kiss list, adrian pucey
𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐

the kiss list, adrian pucey𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐

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chapter thirty-one
number 11: HEIDI MACAVOY

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BIANCA DIDN'T THINK SHE WAS TIRED. She didn't see much point hanging around outside alone, but she also wasn't too keen on the idea of going back into the party, and nor could she see herself asleep in the next half an hour.

She liked being alone. Time alone is well spent, Bianca thinks. And so, even if she complained several times to multiple people about the aching in her feet, Bianca decided to take the long route back to Gryffindor Common room, where she was going to dissolve into the pages of a good book.

The halls weren't as silent as she expected them to be. Despite it being the early hours of the morning, and that morning being Christmas, she could still hear the thumps of the music from the trapped doors of the Great Hall, and the groaning of the school's Ghosts, begging for some kind of peace and quiet.

A few couples were badly hidden behind doors, and in cornered nooks, but Bianca did her best to pretend that she couldn't see them. That was another sound that made the Ghosts wish they had the ability to shut off their ears for the night.

Since she had been ignoring the sound of lips on lips — which was also a little too familiar for Bianca's liking, to begin with — everything was quite peaceful.

That was until the slurred words: "Oi! Bitch!" yelled out to her, from the other end of the corridor. Yet another reason the Hogwarts Ghosts were wishing they had made it to Heaven.

Bianca swiveled on the spot and was met with a sight she had not planned to — a drunken Heidi Macavoy, red cup loosely gripped in her hand, spilling half of its contents onto the cobblestoned floor, strolling in an attempted casual manner, right towards her.

Bianca had had near to no experience with Heidi Macavoy before. Very little actually. They were two very different people. Bianca chose books over boys and disliked the egos of most Quidditch players. Heidi was as straight as could be, never read books unless she had to, and was a Quidditch player that spoke way too highly of her skills on a broom.

Heidi was tall, seriously blonde —blonder than Bianca, but at least she was academically smart enough to endure literature — and to Bianca, annoying as fuck. Which leads to the question of how on earth Bianca was ever going to kiss her. Number eleven, see. Bianca was just planning on leaving a girl like her till last — till she had to face Heidi. Which wasn't supposed to be this soon. Procrastinating, essentially.

✓ the kiss list  ━━  adrian pucey ³Where stories live. Discover now