xxxix. adrian pucey ✔

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the kiss list, adrian pucey
𝒋𝒂𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒚, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟑

the kiss list, adrian pucey𝒋𝒂𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒚, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟑

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chapter thirty-nine
number not found: ADRIAN PUCEY

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     EPIPHANIES ARE JUST GREAT, AREN'T THEY? That moment of realization that hits you like a boulder. Except with Bianca, she could see this boulder before it actually hit her. Like it was far off in front of her, half a mile or so. And she just didn't acknowledge it or do anything about it until it was staring at her in the eyes, and seconds away from impact. Sometimes these epiphanies suck. But this one doesn't. But it can suck. If Adrian doesn't love her back.

     But he said "undying" right? So Bianca still held out some hope.

     Bianca felt like a headless chicken, speeding out of the Library, with a mission to complete and no idea how to complete it. How was she going to find him? Is she sure she's in love with him? Or does she just not want him to hate her? Does she even want to go about telling him? Shouldn't she just swallow down these feelings and wait it out until they pass? She only has one year left and then she'll never have to see Adrian Pucey again. She'll need to focus on her career, and maybe some time down the line create a family and die peacefully in her sleep. Well, that is a long way down the line.

     But there is one person that would not want her to do that. And Bianca decided, she needed that same person's help, right about now.

     Bianca raced to the Training Ground, where she flew up the stairs to the top of the bleachers, skipping a few as she went. The whizzing specks of yellow showed no signs of stopping, and without the numbers on their match-day robes, it was very hard to locate Maxine O'Flaherty amongst the grey January clouds, and other canary players. Bianca's head was like a whippet ─ darting this way and that, her eyes almost popping out of her sockets, purely due to some kind of necessary speed. She didn't technically have a time frame on confessing her love for Adrian Pucey ─ but maybe Bianca saw it as the more time she wasted, the higher chance there was for him to fall out of love with her, and for her to be the one left broken-hearted. It was clear how little Bianca knew in this area of life.

     After several long and stressful seconds, Bianca finally spotted the brunette, Quaffle in hand, sailing through the sky on a stick that rested beneath her. Now a second problem arose ─ how on earth was Bianca supposed to catch the Chaser's attention from this distance? Not only was Bianca very far away, but the wind ought to deafen Maxine a bit, and the Gryffindor doubts waving her arms about would do much good besides making a fool of herself. And yet her devilishly smart brain solved her problem once again ─ Lee Jordan's microphone, used to project his hilarious commentary throughout a Hogwarts match. Its residentiary home was technically on the actual pitch, but a lot of Captains used it to do just what Bianca wanted to during practice on the Training Ground ─ communicate with the players in the air.

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