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Pov Tini

there is something about Sebastian or rather he is hiding something. He was only going to be away for a week and has been gone for longer.  I need to know. But how? I'm just going to send a message!

Tinistoessel: peekaboo my love
Sebastianyatre: hello, I do not have much time...
Tinistoessel: no problem. what are you doing?
Sebastianyatre: gotta go somewhere
Tinistoessel: well okay...
Sebastianyatre: bye
Tinistoessel: bye

He's acting weird. I need a chat with someone, but with who? Maybe Jorge, But will Stephie not mind? I'm just going to do it. I send him a message.

Tinistoessel: hello jorge. I need a chat.
Jorgeblanco: hello, Oh what's wrong?
Tinistoessel: something about Sebastian...
Jorgeblanco: what did he do?
Tinistoessel: he's acting weird...
Jorgeblanco: how do you mean?
Tinistoessel: he went to his home country for a week. He has been gone much longer...
Jorgeblanco: what about that? Sorry, i'm not really with you
Tinistoessel: never mind. You have your own life. I don't want to bother you with my problems...
Jorgeblanco: no no, it's not a problem though. I like to listen to you. After all, you feel like my best friend and family member.
Tinistoessel: you too for me. But jow is it with you?
Jorgeblanco: I'm fine. Apart from a few things ...
Tinistoessel: oooh, is there something?
Jorgeblanco: has to do with stephie.
Tinistoessel: what about her.
Tinistoessel: never mind. I have nothing to do with that.
Jorgeblanco: no, that's not a problem. I want to tell you.
Tinistoessel: okay, go ahead
Jorgeblanco: I don't feel anything for her anymore. The love is gone. I want to break up with her but don't know how to do it.
Tinistoessel: is indeed tricky. I would just tell her.
Jorgeblanco: I intend to. But don't know how...
Tinistoessel: just tell her whatever is on your mind.
Jorgeblanco: I will do. But also just need to have the right time.
Tinistoessel: indeed. Is she around now?
Jorgeblanco: Yes...
Tinistoessel: don't she mind you chatting with me?
Jorgeblanco: no idea. She is downstairs and i upstairs.
Tinistoessel: want to meet again?
Jorgeblanco: Yes please.
Tinistoessel: when can you?
Jorgeblanco: next week Friday?
Tinistoessel: Okay. At my home? At 14 o'clock?
Jorgeblanco: good. Until then.
Tinistoessel: until then

I was delighted to chat with Jorge. At last I could get my heart out. He is such a good person. I love hem. but as a friend. No Tini, not just as a friend. No Tini, stop it. you're with Sebastian.  Would I be in love?

this time it is a part without insta post. would Tini be in love?

Xx Smartie

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