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Pov Tini

today is the day that Jorge and I meet up. He's stuck with something and wants to tell me. I'd better leave, hey, otherwise I'll be late and I don't want that. I grab my coat and go to my car. I start my car and leave for Jorge. When I arrive at Jorge I ring the bell. He opens.

Jorge: Hey tini the diary. 

Tini: haha, hello Jorge

Jorge: come in

Tini: thanks

I'm going in. Jorge has a sign that I can sit on the couch. When I sit in the couch Jorge asks me something.

Jorge: do you need something to drink?

Tini: that is allowed. what kind of stuff do you have?

Jorge: I have coke, fanta, water, white wine, red wine, rose.

Tini: it may be different some Coke

Jorge: Okay

Jorge stands up and goes to the kitchen.
After a few minutes he comes back with a drink. He has my glass of coke.

Jorge: here  your coke

Tini: Thank you.

Jorge: you're welcome

Tini: bon, tell you why diary tini had to come?

Jorge: uuh yes, I have feelings for someone...

Tini: how nice

jorge: indeed, but I am worried about that.

Tini: why?

Jorge: I dare not tell her

Tini: why?

Jorge: afraid of her reaction

Tini: don't think and just say

Jorge: okay

there is an akward silence between us

Jorge: tini?

Tini: yes?

Jorge: I will follow your advice... Tini i have feelings for you

Tini: ...

Jorge: sorry, shouldn't have said this

Tini: no no, Jorge. To be honest. I have feelings for you too.

We moved closer together. Suddenly I feel Jorge's lips on mine. I kiss back.

Jorge: i love you Tini

Tini: i love you too

After a while I went home.

Jorge and i are now a couple, joepi, i'm super happy!! I really love him with all my heart.

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