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Jungkook was checking one of his file, his eyes fall on the tray of breakfast which is given by y/n as always.

He knows his wife loves to cook. Either she made foods by herself or helps the maid.

This is something new. Well, after marriage everything is new to him in a good way, specially the feelings.

Last night's incident came into his mind. A sweetest smile took place in his face.

The way he bought you closer and unintentionally cuddle with each other.

He bought the tray close to where he sits and uncover the food to start eating.

He wanted to see what you are doing, so he tapped something and started watching the CCTV footage of his mansion.

In CCTV footage he saw you laughing like minions. Unconsciously he smiled watching you being happy.

His smile dropped when he saw the reason, you were laughing at Nick and Steve.

Jimin went to the study room to find Jungkook is working on something in his PC.

With clenching jaw and fisted hands he was watching the screen of the monitor.

Jimin knocked before went in and asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing" Jungkook replied.

"I listed the name of all the best University" Jimin said with a smile while passing a file to Jungkook.

Jungkook scanned the whole file and asked, "Why only in Seoul?"

"Do you want me to list down other Universities outside of Seoul?" Jimin asked with a frown.

"No, outside of Korea" Jungkook said with monotone.

"What! Are you crazy?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook didn't reply and kept typing something on the monitor.

"I prefer you to consult-" Jimin said with irritation.

"What the hell. Didn't you tell me to let her live freely? Well I'm doing that" Jungkook said angrily.

"You know what, you are too stubborn and of course a stupid" Jimin said before stood up from the chair with anger and stormed out of the study room.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled but Jimin didn't return.


After Jungkook left to office you felt how much lonely you are without him.

Even if the mansion is filled with maids, guards and of course two minions, still you feel lonely.

You went kitchen to grab a drink suddenly saw a car is approaching the parking area.

'This is not the time of jungkook-shi's return' you thought.

Last incident of him coming home with bruises all over his body came into your mind.

Proving wrong to your thoughts, you saw Mrs. Jeon approaching to you.

"Y/n-ie~~~" Mrs. Jeon yelled happily.

Your eyes couldn't believe that finally she came.

"Eomma!" you quickly hugged her as tight as possible.

"I really missed you sweetheart" she said while tears kept pouring from her eyes.

Watching her crying you couldn't hold back your tears.

Baby Wife ¦¦ JJK FF [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now