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Before daehan could give the signal that you're being targeted, Sung Hoon Shouted, "I say do it. NOW!"

Without thinking twice, daehan moved the target a little, causing the bullet to hit someone else.

The man yelped at the pain of the hit and fall down right in front of your eyes, making you gasp at the sight.

And you never imagined you would see this person fell on the ground like any other old leaf are leaving a bunch of the tree.

"Nick!" you yelled in fear, watching Nick yelping in pain, while a pool of blood flowing through his jacket on the stomach area.

"Nick! Nick! Don't close your eyes" Jungkook shouted, holding his body in his lap, wandering eyes around in a restless manner.

The tourist yelled in fear and started to pull his hair, watching the huge amount of blood.

Steve pointed his at the tower, sensing someone is here, while blocking all of you from the target.

"Call the emergency ambulance right now!" Jungkook shouted at the tourist guide, pulling out a towel from the picnic basket to stop the flow of blood.

The tourist guide nodded and called the emergency services' office.

You kept trembling in fear, witnessing all of this. Your soul literally left the body.

Jungkook noticed your state and spoke in a soft tone, "Y/n, sit down and lower your head"

You nodded, gulping down, and sit down near Jungkook and Nick.

Lowering your head, you kept looking at unconscious Nick, while tears kept flowing down from your eyes.

Jungkook hold your hand before giving a soft squeeze, he whispered, "Nick will be alright. Don't cry"

And soon you heard the sound of an ambulance coming near before losing concious.


"What have you done? You purposely missed the target! Shoot again! I said shoot again!" sung Hoon shouted at daehan, throwing his binoculars with anger.

Daehan kept looking at all of you struggling with Nick's unconscious body while Steve and Jungkook is searching the root of the shoot.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot her! You Bastard! Let me do it-" Sung Hoon yelled before stepping near to the rifle.

"Don't move!" daehan yelled before pointing the handgun at Sung Hoon's forehead, making him flinch a bit.

"Lee Daehan! Are you out of your mind?" sung hoon yelled, lifting both of his arm in a surrender pose.

Daehan didn't reply and looked at your direction to see an ambulance reached the place.

So he pulls out the walkie-talkie from Sung Hoon's pocket and spoke, "Open the entrance and let them out. OVER"

"Lee Daehan, you're betraying your father" sung hoon spoke in gritted teeth, earning a chuckle from daehan.

"The person who orders to kill his own blood, doesn't call a father. We call him Satan" daehan said in a bitter tone.

"I-I didn't understand" sung hoon replied in a confused tone.

"You'll never" Daehan spat watching the ambulance left the jungle.

Time skip~~

As soon as possible, all of you rushed to nearby hospital and other bodyguards came to protect you.

Baby Wife ¦¦ JJK FF [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now