Chapter 1: Not on your own anymore!

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"Text" = Talking

'Text' = Thoughts

{Text} = texting

[Text] = talking over phone

"Text"/Text = Past tense




Izuku looked at Yuyu and then he looked back to the ground and took a deep breath "Since I was a kid, I learned that not all men are created equal..." Izuku began

A young Izuku beat up and covered in dirt looked up at the sky as the sun shined in the bright blue sky. He raised his hands up to the sky, but then put his hand down to the ground and got up. The pain was still somewhat present within the young boy's body, but he ignored it at walked after the people that beat him up.

"I was thought to be Quirkless when I was younger, however, a-as it turned out I did, it just couldn't manifest until my body could handle it," Izuku said "But because I was believed to be Quirkless, I was treated like a freak"

Izuku was blasted up against a stone wall thanks to an explosion from one Katsuki Bakugou. His head hit the pavement so hard that he bled from the back of his head.

Izuku walked home with a few bruises hidden by his collar. he held in the tears as best as he could until he could be alone in his room and let it out

"I was treated like dirt..."

Izuku walked down the hallway and went to his locker and turned the lock to open it, but once he opened trash fell from his lock and landed on him. Giggles and Chuckling could be heard all around him.

"I was someone who people could just take their anger out on..."

Izuku was in the bathroom and a group of boys grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Once he landed, the group of boys began kicking him.

"I wasn't seen as anyone important"

"There's nothing we can do Young man"

"Izuku you shouldn't be making up these rumors about Bakugou, He has a brighter future than yours and he doesn't need this"

"You need to learn your place in this world young man"

"Midoriya, you're going to be suspended for making up such rumors"

"I wanted to be a hero, but no one really believed in me"

"You should probably give up on your dreams"


"What would Midoriya do in UA!? He doesn't even have a quirk!"

"What can you do!? Your Quirkless!"

"Take my advice, take a swan dive off the roof and pray you'll get a Quirk in the next life!"

"It's a good dream, but you need to think realistically"

"Eventually... I felt like giving up"

As Izuku turned around away from Bakugou, with a soft smile on his face. As he walked and the sun was now halfway behind the mountains, he thought how he might have truly been living a dream. How he had just been blinded by his own dreams. How truly hopeless his hopes were.

"But then... someone actually said I could do it"

"You can be a hero young man"

"And slowly, I believed in myself again... but even then, there's been more pain in my life than good," Izuku said

In the first fight with Bakugou, Izuku had felt as if he truly was going to die. The useless feeling he had when at the USJ. The disappointment of letting All-Might down during the sports festival. The feeling of fear of almost dying and losing his friend because of Stain. Finally today, the constant reminder of his weakness thanks to his old tormentor, Bakugou, while they fought All-Might.

"And some times, when I go to sleep, I'm afraid that I'll wake up and everything that I've actually accomplished, everything I've done, Will just be a cruel dream" Izuku finished

Yuyu looked at the green-haired boy and she couldn't really believe what the boy had been through, she was surprised that he had suffered so much and he still wanted to be a hero, to be someone who still held on to his hopes and dreams. Despite the harsh and cruel reality that had hit him at such a young age, he never gave up hope, never. However, she had known, that he was still haunted by his past. She no doubts that there were still had scars on his body, and he had scars on his mind. Things that would haunt him even to this day.

Everything she heard, She wanted to tell him that everything was ok now, but she had known that it wouldn't be so simple, to people like him, it was empty words. She... She wanted to show him that everything was ok now.


She struggled to speak what she wanted to tell Izuku. What could she say that would make the boy feel better. but deep down, she knew that there were no heartfelt words that would work, no grand speech to keep pushing forward, no upbeats words that could work on him and make him move on from this conversation or the feelings that he had been feeling for all these years.

"It's ok"

Those words snapped her out of her own thoughts. Yuyu then looked to Izuku, who had a soft yet painful smile on his face.

"You don't have to say anything, I know it's a lot to hear and take in, especially from a complete stranger, but I wanna thank you, and to be honest your the first person I've told about this" Izuku told her "But thank you for listening," He told him

Izuku got up and grabbed his clothes and headed out of the room. Yuyu saw this and for some reason, she didn't want him to leave and move on from expressing what he had been keeping hidden from himself. She didn't want him to hide his feelings, his pain, his sadness, his agony, and most likely hide it until he would burst. She just couldn't let it happen.

'Save him!' Her heart cried 'SAVE HIM!!!'

As Izuku was halfway out of the doorway, he was suddenly pulled back, turned around, and was being held tightly. Izuku was so confused about what was happening, but he looked up a few inches to see Yuyu's dyed pink hair. He had realized that she was holding him tightly, her arms wrapped around his chest and her head resting on his shoulder.

"Y-Y-Yuyu-San!? Wh-What are you-"

"Please don't cry," She said

Izuku's eye's widened at her words

"Please don't hold it in anymore... You... You don't have to hold it in anymore" She said

Yuyu hadn't even noticed that tears had slowly fallen from her eyes and onto the boy's gym shirt, soaking a certain part of the shirt

"Please... let me help you"

Yuyu didn't ask, nor did she demand... She begged.

Izuku then felt tears leave his eyes and he silently sobbed... and he had given her an answer

"Please... Help me" He begged, his voice sounding hoarse and it was full of sadness and pain...




Sorry if this chapter fell short again, What I hope you understand is that I'm trying to take my time with this and while the chapters might be short, they will get longer the more themes and tones I want to do and how they affect or play with certain characters.

I will also mention that this Is sort of a Bakugou redemption story, While Bakugou will face consequences for his actions, I don't just want to flat out have this be a sort of 'hate Bakugou' story.

I have a complicated relationship with Bakugou as a character. On one hand, I admire that he knows that he's done wrong and that he is trying to work on himself and his relationship with Izuku, but on the other hand, he's gotten pretty much got off scot-free with what he's done in the past.

As Dabi said in the Manga

"The past never dies"

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