You Have My Heart

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Polis tower was a hub of activity with the Skaikru attendants due to arrive within only a few hours. The day of the celebratory gathering had finally arrived, with Skaikru and Trikru alike preparing for the reminder of all that had been accomplished since the fragile peace had first brought the two unlikely groups together. 

After months of tension and unrest within the capitol, it was a welcome change to focus on more positive aspects of their lives rather than dwell on the dark events that had been unfolding.  

Clarke found herself pleasantly excited for the festivities, eager to help with the preparation but instead found herself the source of her mothers unwavering conversation. As much as she enjoyed the Chancellors company, it was best enjoyed in small doses. 

"I should really check if there's anything I can do to help," the young leader intoned for the second time when her mother finally paused for breath, not even standing from the couch before the woman reached out to grab her hands. 

"They'll survive without you this once," Abby disagreed, puling the reluctant girl back down with pleading eyes. "This might be my last chance to spend time with you alone, do you really want to waste that?"

It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but Clarke swallowed her frustration and forced a large smile instead, shaking her head as was expected. Under many circumstances she would be more than happy to spend time with her mother, but over a week had now passed in her company and they would soon run out of pointless conversation. 

"Why don't you show me some of your drawings? The last piece you showed me was months ago!"

Clarke hesitated, often unwilling to share her art with other people but reluctantly retrieved the sketchbook from the table and offered it to her mother. It took only another second for her to remember the countless sketches of her lover that decorated the last few pages and hurriedly reclaimed the book before they could be unwittingly discovered. 

She kept her thumb firmly over the last section as she flicked through the collection. Abby took her time to examine each one closely and ask unnecessary questions about the source of inspiration. 

"Some things are just so beautiful that they should be captured forever," the girl explained with a light shrug, never having really thought about it in any other way. The process itself was relaxing and there was never a shortage of ideas that came to mind. 

"What about this one? Is that what I think it is?" her mother added, tapping lightly on the page in question as she tilted her head to assess the whirl of intricate lines that merged into an elaborate creation. 

"It's one of my favourites," Clarke admitted with a small smile to herself, peering over her mothers shoulder to glimpse the work. 

Months earlier, when she had only recently moved to the city, Lexa had made a suggestion when inspiration had been lacking. A representation of both their clans that would symbolise the alliance and newfound harmony between their people. 

If anything it had been a welcome change from the landscape sketches that had been appearing with more frequency, finding herself unable to ignore the beauty of her surroundings. An easy composition it certainly hadn't been but worth the effort when she had produced the completed product a few weeks later. 

Lines overlapped and merged seamlessly to encompass both unique symbols of their respective clans, producing a unique yet familiar design that could express the unity between them.

She was drawn from the reminiscent thoughts as her eyes darted towards the opening door, relieved to see her lover appearing for the first time that morning. As her mother continued to pour over the artwork, Clarke bounced to her feet and met the Commander in the doorway before anyone could object. 

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