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Vaughn's cheek was pressed against the dirt floor of a cell when he began to regain consciousness, squinting blearily up at his captors as they clasped manacles to his wrists and threaded the chain through an iron ring on the wall. 

"Is this how you treat all visitors to the great city?" he huffed, hating how his voice cracked weakly midway through the sentence. 

There were no windows down here, wherever here was, the only illumination cast by three flickering torches braced against the walls beyond his caged confines. The dancing flames shrouded the ferocious warrior in shadows as she waited patiently for the guards to restrain the prisoner. 

Her response was short and to the point, unwilling to engage with the traitor unnecessarily.  

"Only those who betray us."

He scoffed lightly, looking around pointedly at the otherwise empty confinement as he drew himself onto his knees, furtively hiding just how much it hurt to adopt the strenuous pose. Strength was everything to these people and he'd rather die than show weakness. 

"I thought we might be more numerous."

Octavia cast her dark gaze down upon the kneeling traitor who was now firmly restrained, the two warriors assuming their positions behind her. The pathetic man was clearly taunting her, hoping to elicit a response from his captor that would satisfy his craving for chaos and disruption. Little did he know who he was dealing with.    

"No one will hear your vile words down here," Octavia said, turning the conversation around on the unsuspecting prisoner. "You get this entire cage to yourself Vaughn, or would you prefer that I call you Shadow?"

The taunting smile on Vaughn's face crumbled in an instant as he realised just how much intel these people had on him. He had taken great care to conceal his identity throughout his life, living much like a shadow as he swept between clans, adopting a forgettable alias as he infiltrated lives and left his own subtle mark on the world. 

Shadow had particular appeal to him from the very beginning, representing his ability to remain a mystery to many, even as his reputation spread between the lips of those who might have use of such talents. Perhaps this egotistical reputation had been the key to his downfall and very presence within this cell.  

It was now Octavia's turn to boast a sly smile, slowly crouching to meet the bewildered gaze at eye level. 

"We know all about you Shadow," she uttered with contempt, quietly enjoying the flicker of fear that came to life before her. "It's time to face your reckoning."

Without warning, the desperate man lurched forwards with a guttural cry, intent on inflicting his frustrations on his captors for subjecting him to this fate. The experienced warrior before him didn't even blink, pitying his futile effort as the chains holding his wrists reached their full extension, using the fools own momentum to jar him back forcefully before he could even get within arms reach. 

Octavia shook her head regretfully, wondering what horrors had led this man down such a deadly path. 

"Your legacy ends here. Just like all the others before you, gone without trace and forgotten for the rest of time."

Vaughn swallowed thickly as the woman rose to stand over him, her tone sharp and cutting before she spun on her heel and left the man alone with his grievances. 

"She doesn't scare me," Vaughn insisted hoarsely, clashing his chains dramatically to draw one final gaze from the warrior, satisfied when she appeared to bristle at the comment. "Do you hear me?"

He staggered upright with a burst of effort, his legs shaking even as he drew back his shoulders to stand tall and proud. 

"She sends her warriors and assassins to strike fear into our hearts but I am not afraid! I will not be broken into submission. Tell her that. The Shadow will not be broken!"

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