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liked by tubbolive, lanusky_live and 12,236 others oliviawasfound beach sun tubbolive you look really pretty :) oliviawasfound replying to tubbolive why thank you tubbo view all 2348 comments..
he called me pretty. does he like me? probably not. i shouldn't jump to conclusions. i mean i only spoke to him properly a week ago, i mean we have been messaging since. george gave tubbo my number, i think he made a bet with dream on how long it would take him to hook us up. i already have tubbo saved in my phone as "tubbo 🐛❤️" so george is sadly doing a pretty good job at winning that bet so far.
"hey sis, how's tubbo?" george asked, a smirk arising on his face. "well why don't you ask him yourself, gogy" i teased him with his 'stream name'. "i just thought you might know since you guys have been actively messaging each other lately," he replied, the smile growing. "i'm sure he great," i replied abruptly, determined to end this embarrassing conversation. "i'm gonna go to bed now, it's getting a bit late and this movie is pretty boring." the simpsons movie had been playing in the background for the past hour and having watched it on every car journey for the past six years of my life i had got pretty bored of it pretty fast. "sure you will, have fun messaging tubbo. goodnight sis" george looked very proud of himself, he seemed to assume that his mocking bothered me.
sitting down on my quilts and pillows i rummaged down the side of my bed for the charger cable, i couldn't let my phone die halfway through the night.
tubbo🐛❤️> hey liv liv answer meeeee livvvv hi toby sorry for taking so long to reply,
culdnt get away from gogy?
pretty much yeah
haha 😂 do u wunt to call
yes of course :)
tubbo is calling
tubbo: hi liv olivia: hey tubbo tubbo: your picture on instagram was really pretty olivia: thank so much tubbo oh my gosh he called my picture really pretty oh my gosh tubbo: hey do you want to play minecraft? olivia: who with? tubbo: everyone else is online, i thought this would be a good time to tour you round the smp olivia: yes! i really want to see all the builds!
—skip to end of tour—
olivia: *yawns* tubbo: aw are you tired olivia: kinda yeah, ima go to sleep tubbo: i'll end the call- olivia: no don't worry about it i don't mind
—tubbos pov— oh my gosh she is so pretty. how is she so pretty. wow. it's like three AM and she still looks amazing. how. just look at her snuggled in all the fluffy blankets and pillows. she looks so peaceful. i wish i could reach through and hug her. i love her, she is the prettiest most perfect woman. tommy was right, women are awesome.
tubbo: *whispers* goodnight little tubbling olivia: goodnight
A/N hey guys this was a much shorter chapter, i tried to include some more olivia and tubbo moments to speed up the storyline. i added an instagram post and some messages and a call to make it more interesting. this gave me so much serotonin when i was writing it, i wish it was this easy to find someone who likes you. anyways tell me what you think in the comments, i'd love to hear any ideas for the next chapter. love you guys sm <3