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• S H E H R Y A R ' S P O V •

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• S H E H R Y A R ' S P O V •

As I stared at our picture, my heart sank with each passing moment. How did it come to this? Where did I go wrong with her? The image of us, smiling and happy, mocked me from the screen of my phone. It felt like a cruel reminder of what once was, now shattered into a million pieces. She left me on our wedding day, of all days, with nothing more than a simple text message. The betrayal cut deep, leaving me reeling with disbelief and anger. I clenched my jaws, the bitterness of her actions still fresh in my mind.

I couldn't comprehend how she could do this to me. She didn't even have the decency to meet me face to face, to explain where I had failed as a boyfriend, as a partner. It felt like a stab in the heart, a wound that refused to heal. The pain of her absence weighed heavily on my shoulders, dragging me down into a pit of despair.

The text message, cold and impersonal, confirmed her decision to abandon our relationship. It was like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of me. And to add insult to the injury, her father had the audacity to come before me, apologizing profusely for his daughter's actions. It was as if he had seen it coming, as if he had anticipated her betrayal.

As I sat there, consumed by misery, memories of our past flooded my mind. The countless arguments we had fought, the sacrifices we had made to be together against all odds. We had even vowed to forgo any inheritance from our families, all in the name of love. And yet, it all seemed to be for naught. Was this the bitter end to our love story? Was I destined to be left alone, abandoned by the one person I thought would always be by my side?

I longed to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the room, to find solace in the solitude of my thoughts. But alas, my dear father's sense of duty and honor bound me to this place, tethered to a promise he made to a friend. A promise that I would love his daughter as she deserved, a daughter who was nothing more than a pawn in the game of familial obligations. Did my father truly believe that I would accept this girl he had chosen for me when he himself couldn't accept my choice?

As if summoned by my thoughts, she appeared before me, I watched her stir from her nightmare-induced slumber, frustration surged within me. She had been thrust into my life as a replacement for the woman I was supposed to marry, the woman who had left me standing alone at the altar on our wedding day.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness as I looked at her, the image of Zara haunting my thoughts once again. She had been the one I was supposed to wake up next to, the one I had imagined spending the rest of my life with. But instead, I was left with this stranger, this woman who had been forced into my life by circumstances beyond my control.

I know I promised to be her nightmare yet, despite my inner turmoil, I couldn't bring myself to betray my moral values, to become the nightmare I had promised her. It seemed that God had a twisted sense of justice, offering her exactly what I promised. But honestly what drove her to accept this role as a replacement, to debase herself in such a manner? Did she not value her own worth, or did she believe that money and status could compensate for the emptiness of our union?

His Replaced brideWhere stories live. Discover now