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Dedicated to Allayakhan

• S A F A ' S   P O V •

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S A F A ' S   P O V

As our vehicle approached the grand mansion, I couldn't help but be struck by its majestic presence. The imposing façade, with its intricate details and towering columns, immediately commanded attention. Despite its similarity to my own home, there was an undeniable air of opulence that set it apart—a testament to the architect's exceptional skill and attention to detail. The sprawling grounds surrounding the mansion only added to its grandeur, with lush gardens and manicured lawns stretching out as far as the eye could see. As we pulled up to the entrance, I found myself marveling at the sheer magnificence of the structure before me, feeling a sense of awe and anticipation building within me. This was no ordinary residence; it was a symbol of wealth, power, and prestige, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of privilege at the thought of stepping inside.

The tranquility of the moment was shattered by the resounding slam of a door, jolting me from my thoughts. I glanced around, expecting to find the source of the noise, but the surroundings were eerily still. Where had he disappeared to?

The driver approached, a friendly smile adorning his face as he opened the door for me. I acknowledged his gesture with a nod of gratitude, though my smile remained elusive.

Rasiya Mumma, Ahmed Uncle, and Zerin stood by the door as I approached. Mumma took my hand, as she led me inside. Ahmed Uncle's serious demeanor caught my attention as he walked away, leaving me with Zerin and Mumma. Shehryaar was noticeably absent.

"Zerin, take her to Shehry's room," Mumma instructed, to which Zerin nodded, offering me her hand. Together, we climbed the stairs.

We halted outside a door, and Zerin informed me that it was now Shehryaar's and my room. I nodded in acknowledgment, having stayed quiet since my arrival. The urge to scream, to release the emotions bubbling inside me, was strong, but I resisted.

"That's my room," Zerin pointed to a neighboring door before leaving me with a faint smile.

I tentatively knocked on the door, hoping for some acknowledgment but receiving none. With a deep breath, I gently pushed the door open; it wasn't locked.

As I stepped cautiously into the room, a wave of apprehension swept over me. How would he respond to my presence? The weighty lehenga made each step a challenge, heightening my unease. I gritted my teeth, frustration simmering beneath the surface. No other clothes were in my possession; they hadn’t even granted us a moment to pack.

After careful consideration, I resolved to wear one of his outfits. Though a part of me braced for his potential anger, I pushed the thought aside for the time being.

His wardrobe boasted an array of formal wear, but I eventually found a T-shirt and trousers that would serve my purpose.

Changing into the more comfortable attire, I couldn’t resist the temptation of the inviting bed. I lay down, allowing sleep to wash over me, briefly escaping the chaos of the day.

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