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Spencer's heart was pounding in her ears, dry throat, and her lungs burned, as she could barely breathe. Her legs were sore feet burned at each step. The blue and Red lights got closer and closer.

She took a turn and ended up at a dead end. She knew this town from the back of her head and ended up at a dead end.

"Spencer Hastings! Turn around! Hands in the air where I can see them!" Wilden yelled. Spencer turned around and held her hands up.

"Spencer Hastings you are under arrest for underage drinking, being under the influence, and shoplifting" Wilden cuffed shoving her inside the vehicle.

Spencer smirked at Wilden.

"You can wipe that smirk off your face I'll make sure you get sent to juvie for a long time" Wilden threatened.

"Foster home. Don't kid usually end up beaten up?" Spencer said hesitantly.

"You can always report this to me," Barry said.

"You would believe me?" Spencer asked unsurely.


"Fine I'll go to a foster home," Spencer said considering getting her life on track.

"I'll let you choose, you can go home with the Borrus-"

"Janet Borrus the cranky lady only leaves her house for groceries and church. No way!" Spencer crossed her arms.

"So that leaves us with The Cavanaugh's," Barry said.

"I'll take it!" Spencer said quickly.

The squad car stopped in front of the Cavanaugh's house. She saw Danielle Cavanaugh and his fiancé Mary drake. Spencer saw Barry talking to them, he turned around every 2 minutes to make sure she didn't disappear. Barry opened the door for Spencer to exit.

Spencer walked towards the porch. Her hands started shaking as she got closer. Was she ready to move on? and find closure?

"Spencer darling you are most welcomed into our home" Mary said leading her inside.

As she entered at the bottom of the stairs she saw a small girl with hazel green eyes, dark brown curls, she was about Spencer age. Behind her was a tall figure she couldn't see who it was due to the darkness of the night.

"Before I go, Spencer, I need to tell you something before I go," Officer Barry said before Mr. Cavanaugh and Ms. Drake entered the kitchen leaving them alone.

"Spencer, It's been more than a year since your loss, and I know you haven't moved on but . . . " He paused kneeling to look her in the eye. "You have to get your life back on track, you will be returning to school as soon as possible. No more drugs, No more drinking, No more stealing" Officer Barry said in a stern tone. "You got that"

Spencer nodded she was getting her life on track. "Good, your parents talked about you being a straight-A student and getting into Upenn, do still want that?" He asked her Spencer nodded Immediately. "I'll check up on you once a week," He said getting up and leaving.

Spencer turned around to see her new foster parents and Jenna looking at her.

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