6. The match

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Today was the day of our second game of the Inter-House Quidditch Cup: Slytherin versus Ravenclaw

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Today was the day of our second game of the Inter-House Quidditch Cup: Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. To say we were nervous was understandable, but still, everyone on the team was confident because of the several weeks of practice we had.

Unfortunately, we lost our previous game against Gryffindor. Harry managed to catch the snitch before me and because of that, Flint made us practice even harder so we won't lose again.

"Let's go, Slytherin!" Marcus Flint blasted at the end of his speech. Everyone in the locker room loudly cheered in excitement.

We all had our green and silver uniforms on and brooms on our hands.

I followed all the other players out of the locker room and we made our way towards the field, already being able to hear loud cheers. I could start to feel the adrenaline slowly filling my body at each step I took.

I looked around and saw the bleachers full of students. I felt goosebumps.  Madame Hooch was standing in the middle of the field, waiting for both of the teams to get settled.

"Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you," She said when the two teams surrounded her. I could see her looking directly into Flint like she was saying this especially for him. I almost laughed.

"The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch," Lee Jordan, who was doing the commentary for the match, started. "Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game"

Madame Hooch spoke. "Mount your brooms, please." Everyone got on their brooms almost at the same time. I made myself comfortable on my Nimbus 2000 and waited for the signal

As soon as Madame Hooch gave a loud blast on her silver whistle, fifteen brooms rose, very high into the air.

"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Roger Davies of Ravenclaw. And she's belting along up there, a neat pass to Bradley — back to Davies and — no, Slytherin has taken the Quaffle!" Lee said and the Ravenclaw students howled in unison.

Jordan Lee continued. "Captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes — He is going to sco- no! stopped by the Ravenclaw Keeper, Grant Page, and the Ravenclaw take the Quaffle — Chambers dive nicely around Flint, off up the field and — OUCH! — hit in the back of the head by a Bludger!"

"That must have hurt" I thought to myself. Way above the others, I was gliding over the game, looking for some sight of the Golden Snitch.

"Quaffle is taken by the Slytherin — that's Adrian Pucey speeding off toward the goalposts and off he goals — the goalposts are ahead — Keeper Grant Page dives — misses — SLYTHERIN SCORES!" Lee Jordan screams.

The air was filled with cheers from the Slytherin.

"Chaser Graham Montague ducks two Bludgers, two Beaters, and speeds — wait, was that the Snitch?" Graham immediately dropped the Quaffle, too busy trying to peek at the Golden Snitch that passed by him.

As soon as I saw it, I dived downward after it. Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw seeker also saw it. Cho was flying almost as fast as I was but she was too close to me. The girl violently leaned her body against mine and started to push me, trying to knock me off of my broom.

"It seems like Y/N Malfoy and Cho Chang are fighting up there — They are flying too fast, it's too hard to follow" Lee quickly said. It was like all the other players stopped what they were supposed to do to look at both of us.

I started to push Cho too, trying to get her off of me. But she was pushing me stronger in the other direction and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it. I let out a loud groan and gathered all my strength.

"Oh! They finally separated! — Cho dodged the stands, nice move — but Y/N is still there — she is going to hit the stand!" Lee Jordan screamed.

His words made me go back into reality. Everything happened too fast. I was too busy handling Cho and when I finally looked up, the view of the stand in front of me invaded my vision. I heard everyone gasp. My eyes were wider than ever, and when I thought I was going to hit, I managed to push my broom up with all of my strength, thanks to my reflex.

"And she scaped! That was a narrow escape and an impressive move from the Slytherin Seeker Y/N" Jordan commented.

I flew back to my previous position hearing claps and cheers coming from the crowd. I smiled with my heart still beating fast.

Jordan continued commenting on the game as everyone went back to it. "Marcus Flint took the Quaffle — It seems like he wants to play alone, he is not passing to any other player — Flint just hit Davies! Ouch, that was hard!" Roger Davies nearly fell out of his broom because of Flint's violence "SLYTHERIN SCORES AGAIN!" Jordan screams in excitement. We nearly had time to celebrate as Ravenclaw took the Quaffle again.

"Ravenclaw in possession — Chambers with the Quaffle — passes Bradley — passes Davies — almost hit in the face by a Bludger — RAVENCLAW SCORES!"

While the Ravenclaw was too busy celebrating, I saw a flash of golden very far away. I immediately took advantage of how distracted Cho was and went after it as fast as I could.

"Y/N is flying there — did she see the Golden Snitch?"

Everyone's attention turned to me. I could feel Cho flying very fast behind me. I looked to my right and saw a speeding Bludger coming into my direction and managed to dodge it. But after that, I heard a loud sound coming from behind me. Everyone gasped.

"Oh, Merlin! Cho Chang was knocked off of her broom by a Bludger! That's the perfect chance for Y/N Malfoy to catch the snitch!" Lee spoke.

I put all of my concentration on the Golden Snitch in front of me. I extended my arm trying to catch it, but I could only feel it on the tip of my fingers.

"Roger Davies is coming into Y/N's direction — He's getting closer! - Oh, Terence Higgs blocked him! Well done" Davies spun on his broom, nearly falling because of how hard Terence blocked him.

I leaned forward in a very dangerous way, trying to get even closer to the Snitch. My right hand was extended while my left was holding on to my broom as if my life depended on it. I felt the adrenaline filling my body again.

The snitch dived, going towards the floor. I held my broom with both of my hands and chased the Snitch with all of me. I could feel my legs almost hitting the floor.

I leaned one more time, this time even more forward. I had to stop myself from falling when my hands were almost entirely around the Golden Snitch, but when I realized, it was already too late. My body collapsed with the floor and I was thrown meters away. The crowd screamed.

"Y/N!" I heard Adrian call from his broom.

I groaned, feeling a little pain in my side. I still managed to get up from the floor, feeling a little bit dizzy, but not too hurt.

I felt something in my hand, something gold. It was the Golden Snitch! I put my hand up, revealing the Snitch with a bright smile.

"She caught it! Y/N Malfoy caught the Golden Snitch! Slytherin had won by one hundred and seventy points to sixty!" Jordan excitedly stated.

Madame Hooch blew her whistle. "Slytherin wins!" When the words came out of her mouth, loud cheers followed by screams were heard.

An immeasurable happiness overtook me as all my teammates came down to embrace me in a tight hug. I happily giggled at how hard they were squeezing me.

At that moment, nothing mattered more than the happiness we all felt.

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