1. Quidditch

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"Dude, are you joking?" Adrian asked me with wide eyes, his mouth a little opened as I told him about the tutoring classes

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"Dude, are you joking?" Adrian asked me with wide eyes, his mouth a little opened as I told him about the tutoring classes.

"I wish I was" I tell him and sigh. The boy watched me while I finished putting my quidditch uniform on.

"I didn't know Snape would do this, Y/N" He started laughing at me, making me even more frustrated. Unbelievable.

"Yeah, keep laughing at me, Pucey" I playfully punch his arm, making the boy dramatically grunt in pain, stroking the place.

"You can't handle someone who rejects you, can you? You little bitch!" I giggled at one of my best friends and playfully rolled my eyes, picking up my broom while Adrian did the same.

"Shut up" I murmur. "Let's go before Flint kills us" I said as he got up, the two of us starting to walk towards the quidditch pitch.

Flashback On

"Very disappointing, Miss Malfoy" Snape handles my Defense Against the Dark Arts test. I failed again.
I sighed, feeling angry. That was the third time I have failed this class.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dumb, DATDA in 6th year is just too complicated. Draco looks at me and showed his test with the maximum grade. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Jealous, little sister?" He mocked me. I gave him a disgusted face in response. "Shut it, Draco. Instead of making fun of me, you could at least help me pass" I crossed my arms.

The blonde giggled at me, getting up and messing my hair. "You'll do better next time, Y/N/N" He grinned and walked out of the class like everyone else.

I picked my things to leave the classroom, but Snape stopped me. "You stay, Miss Malfoy" he said.

I rolled my eyes and slowly turned around. "Yes, Professor Snape?" I forced a smile.

"I see you are failing my class a lot" He started, but I cut him.

"Yes Sir, but I promise I-"

"I am not finished" He bitterly cut me back. I looked down embarrassed. "I provided a few tutoring classes. With Hermione Granger"

I looked at him at the mention of Hermione's name and nervously giggled "I'm thankful, Professor Snape, but I doubt she will like this idea" I said, Snape completely ignoring my comment.

"You will start next week. You can leave my classroom now" He said. I forced a smile once again and left, feeling very irritated.

Flashback Off

"Alright, everyone! Don't forget that our game against Ravenclaw is in a few days, we have to win!" Flint said and everyone cheered in excitement. I smiled.

He walked by me and we high five. "Good job today, Y/N" He said and I smiled at him "You too, Marcus" I patted his back.

I was the Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. I've wanted to play Quidditch since I stepped on Hogwarts for the first time.

I saw my best friend Adrian along with Terence approaching me. The two of them talking. Both of them also played for Slytherin, of course. We became a lot closer because of the team.

"Do you think we will win against Ravenclaw on the next game?" Terence asked afflicted.

"Don't be silly, of course we will. Right, Y/N?" Adrian said and looked at me. I nodded at him and give Terence a comforting smile.

"Of course we will. Don't worry about it, Higgs, we are doing very good. And besides, their team is not that good" I put my arm over his shoulders. The boy nodded and smiled at me.

We started walking towards the Common Room, when suddenly we heard someone.

"Hey Y/N!" We look behind us just to see Pansy Parkinson. Terence and Adrian looked at each others and rolled their eyes.

Pansy and I were friends. Well, friends with benefits. But the girl was so cheesy thats it sometimes annoyed me.

She came closer and put her arms around my neck. "You did sooo good on practice, Y/N/N" She said and smiled at me. I smiled back at her . She was quite annoying, but I enjoyed her presence and the attention she gave me.

"Thanks, Pansy. I didn't know you were watching" I loosely put my hands on her waist. I hear Adrian cleaning his throat and I look at the boy. He was looking the interaction with a disgusted face. I almost rolled my eyes.

"We will be waiting you on the Common Room" He said and I nodded. The boys quickly walked away from us. I turned my attention back at Pansy, who was already looking at me.

"I missed you, Y/N" She says looking at my lips while playing with the hair on the back of my neck. I smirked at her.

"I missed you too" I tightened my grip on her waist, slowly leaning forward. I tilted my head to the side and Pansy closed her eyes when our noses brushed.

I kissed her, tasting the mint on her lips. Our kiss was good, but a little too needy. Our lips connected perfectly as we moved our mouths in sync, the kiss becoming deeper. Pansy moved her hand to cup my cheeks as I trapped her bottom lip, molding her lips on mine.

"Y/N! We're still waiting!" I heard Adrian screaming and I internally rolled my eyes, finally getting off of the girl.

He really had to ruin our moment, didn't he.

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