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chapter fifteen;

Ploversight felt warm as they stirred from their nest, feeling their stomach pulsing with hunger. "Oh good, you're awake!" Kavaleaf greeted cheerfully, blinking kindly at the warrior curled up in her den. "Herondawn is outside the den eating, if you don't mind I'm going to have you two grab me some herbs for Poppyfang's kitting. She's getting older, and this is her last litter, so it might be a bit harder, to be honest."

The warrior nodded to the medicine cat. "I love you Kavaleaf, but you can utilize some other warriors," they sighed dramatically. "There's no real need for you to send your mates to do your bidding constantly."

"Well, I am, so hop to it little bird, I have herbs to sort!"

Ploversight laughed on their way out from the den, catching their other mate's eyes immediately, taken back once again by their hue of blue. They wandered over, tail high and ears pricked. "You might have to have a word with Kavaleaf, I feel like I can't have one day of peace without fetching another clump of herbs!"

"Hey to you too," Herondawn greeted. "I tried to talk to her, y'know, but since Beechpaw is spending the day with his mothers, we're basically her apprentices now."

"Oh, gee," Ploversight sighed, flopping down and stealing a bite of the tom cat's rabbit. Beechpaw often took a couple days to spend time with Larkstorm and Frondleap, as promoted by Kavaleaf due to Beechpaw's own anxiety. "Well, so be it I guess."

Herondawn nodded, and the two finished the rabbit peacefully, lazily starting their journey for the herbs Kavaleaf had so kindly suggested. It took ages, but finally they found the last of it on a patch by the river, which ran low this season.

"Herondawn," a voice murmured, alluring and sweet, and... recognizable. The tom cat stiffened, his fur standing up on his nape and haunches, teeth bared at the enemy. Ploversight was quick to his side, confused and yet supportive.

The soothsayer appeared in the distance, her form wavering in the breeze as though she was made of mist. Herondawn looked over his shoulder to find Ploversight had gone. Was this another trial? Would it never end?

"What do you want?" He demanded angrily, feeling panic tear at his pelt. The soothsayer was as he first saw her- sleek and white with glimmering blue eyes. Her scar was faded, her ears intact. "I'm never going back with you."

"I know," she said, moving closer. "I know your clan feels close to us no more, and so I understand your reluctance to believe in an afterlife of kindness and love," she began, touching her tail tip to his, not in affection but in a soft apology. "I just want you to know that when your time comes, he will not be there to haunt you. He did not pass the trial, and we would never let him. You will not see him, even in the lands of eternity."

Then, she was gone, the wind taking her out and leaving her with a nervous Ploversight. "Are you okay?" The feline inquired, placing their paw over his chest to check his heartbeat.

Herondawn nodded once. His thoughts were too preoccupied by the soothsayer's words. He would never have to see the tom cat that haunted his dreams again. He would never have to face him. He would forever be safe.

"I'm perfect," he replied, tearing the catmint from the earth. "Let's get going back, Kavaleaf needs these, and she did say Poppyfang was going to be kitting rather soon."

Ploversight nodded, entwining their tail with his, before racing away back to camp, prompting Herondawn to follow close behind.

It was the first night in forever Herondawn slept with peace, and there was happiness in the wake of the terrifying and unknown. AlpineClan forgot about Sabledusk after his villainy was presented. Larkstorm, Grouseheart, Herondawn, and Ploversight grew closer than ever.

And for now, this is all we know.

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