iv. nothing to lose

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chapter four;
nothing to lose

h e r o n p a w

The last time the clan had been in a frenzy was the day Falconstar stumbled into the center of the clan, muttering broken hymns and stories of the past, before dying mid song, eyes wide open. It was a fright, one that disrupted the perfect peace the warriors had been so eager to keep in place. After all, every clan member knew the world wouldn't keep falling apart if you acted like it wasn't. This time, however, it wasn't a death that sent the rumors trickling down the social ladder.

It was Gold- a name that suited the feline's deep, probing eyes that drew the tom cat into their depths. He would later laugh when they described his eyes as the same. That was, after all, the best thing about the stranger-made-clanmate: Gold was just like him, in the best of ways.

"What did Yarrowstar name you?" Heronpaw had asked when they emerged from the leader's den with Kavaleaf by their side. "Please tell me it's not Goldpaw."

The feline giggled, to his relief, and nudged him with their shoulder. "My name is Ploverpaw. He said it would help me fit in with the crowd around here," they laughed, nodding their head towards where Grousepaw and Larkpaw were fast approaching.

"Hey woah don't go wooing her quite yet," Grousepaw butt in, her airy tone bringing even more joy into the group's presence. "You gotta give Larkpaw a chance!"

"Grousepaw," Larkpaw muttered, looking anxiously away from Ploverpaw's form.

"They," Heronpaw said at the same time, giving the feline a reassuring nod. "Not he or she- they."

"Right!" Grousepaw turned to Ploverpaw. "My apologies, and I heard you announce your name. Would you like us to show you around camp?"

Ploverpaw made eye contact with Heronpaw again, and the mutual connection sparked his heart to jolt against his chest. They were quite remarkable, and he was eager for them to say yes- he wanted to get to know them more.

Unbeknownst to him, he would miss the chance when he ran for freedom a mere moon later.

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