Character Introduction 😎 ( I'm not Introducing everyone yet)

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Hinata Shoya:Age: 20Height: 159

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Hinata Shoya:
Age: 20
Height: 159.8 (5 feet 2.677 inches)

Hinata Shoya just moved to the city with her sister, after an "accident" that happened at home (she stays up late doing online college). She's nice, short, to bright for her own good, cute, smexy, pretty, can cook, can sing, scary when needed to be, Is a bad grouch when woken early and not informed earlier, smart, oblivious to love, and loves volleyball but has no time to play.(innocent)

Hinata Natsu:Age: 10Height:152 (4 feet 11

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Hinata Natsu:
Age: 10
Height:152 (4 feet 11.843 inch)

Hinata Natsu just moved to the city with her sister after the "accident" that happened at home. She's nice, chaotic, smart, adorable, short, and can see love from a mile away (still innocent protec her UwU)

 She's nice, chaotic, smart, adorable, short, and can see love from a mile away (still innocent protec her UwU)

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Kiyoko Shimizu:

Height:176.2 (5 feet 9.37 inches)

Has worked for Karasono(aka the Crows) one of the many powerful mafia groups in the city for 10 years after their leader saved her from some drunk dudes. She's pretty, can sing, tall, nice, can kick as- butt, is elegant, Usually works/hangs out at the crow cafe, is chill, crushing on Yachi, and is a ✨ Q U E E N ✨.

This is her in her gear:

This is her in her gear:

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Hitoka Yachi:Age: 21Height:159

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Hitoka Yachi:
Age: 21
Height:159.9 (5 feet 2.953 inches)

Hitoka Yachi moved into the city two years ago, partly owns the crow caffe, is not apart of the mafia, and is a second cousin to a member of one of the crows (introduced later). She is nice, SUPER smart (she skipped collage smart), pretty, knows self defense, is ✨ Q U E E N ✨, is crushing on Kiyoko, and is short.

 She is nice, SUPER smart (she skipped collage smart), pretty, knows self defense, is ✨ Q U E E N ✨, is crushing on Kiyoko, and is short

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Sugawara Koshi:
Height:184 (6 feet 0.441 inches)

Has been born into the mafia, is the captins right hand man, Part owner of the Crows Cafe, and is skilled in shooting/sniping. He is kind to people he likes, scary when needed to be, cool tempered, handsome, cool, A "bit" possessive, and always sleeps with one eye open.

 He is kind to people he likes, scary when needed to be, cool tempered, handsome, cool, A "bit" possessive, and always sleeps with one eye open

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Daichi Sawamura:
Height:185(6 feet 0.835 inches)

He had a hard life as a kid, was kicked out, joined the mafia, and became captain. Scary in general, hawt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ), Smart, Good in hand to hand combat, overprotective of loved ones, and sorta sadistic when in the mood.

Sorry that's all the characters that are going to be introduced today the others will come later into the story so it's ok 😁.

❤️The One They All Fell For❤️ (Fem Hinata Harem Mafia AU)*Not Finished*Where stories live. Discover now