•Chapter 2• Getting into hel- SCHOOL 🏫

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|Day 2|

~Third Person POV~


When Natsu woke up she looked around the unfamiliar room. "Huh, I guess this is my new room?"She looks around "It looks pretty cool" Natsu said. While Natsu was looking around Hinata came inside the room looking sad. "Natsu?" Hinata spoke softly, "Yeah Onē-chan?" Natsu looked up at her sister questionably, Hinata just looked away. "Sorry Natsu but I'm going to have to put you in Schoo-" Hinata was saying but got cut off by Natsu complaining.

"BUT Whyyyyyy!" Natsu whined, "I'm sorry Natsu but you have to go to school" Hinata said in a sorry tone as she tried to reason with Natsu. "Yeah I know that but why TOMORROW why not in a WEEEEEK!" Natsu complained. Hinata just went to Natsu and bent down a little to be eye level with her. "I'm really sorry Natsu I am but, you have to go to school tomorrow because I need to find a job, but I can't bring you with me and you know I can't and wont leave you here alone for a whole day." Hinata said in a sad tone.

Natsu sighed and gave Hinata an understanding look "It's ok, I'm sorry for making you feel bad, I know we're both stressed out as it is with what happened this week." she said while pulling Hinata into a tight hug. Hinata smiled a sad, but sweet smile then hugged back tighter. "I- It-s o-ok." Hinata said though hiccups, a few tears threataning to run down her face. Natsu then started hugging her sister tighter while a dam of tears began to break free. Hinata softly stroked her hand through Natsu's hair while using her other hand to rub her back, while silent tears gracefully rolled off her cheek with a small hiccup every once in awhile. They cried for a couple of minutes then fell asleep on the floor.

•Time skip•

~Hinata Pov~

I just woke up again, this time with Natsu in my arms. I carried her up to her bed then took a 5 second walk to the mini mart and got four meat buns (2 for Hinata and 2 for Natsu). I walked back to the apartment and went to Natsu's room. "Hey Natsu...Natsu wake up." I said quietly while softly shaking her awake. "Nghh" Natsu rubbed her eyes and smiled softly at Me. After I woke her up I made her get ready for the day, then we ate. After eating me and Natsu went school shopping and grocery shopping, in one of the stores I thought I saw someone familiar but just thought it was a coincidence and shrugged it off. After that me and Natsu headed back to the apartment and and passed out on our beds.

~End Day 2~

Author's note's

Sorry for anyone who reads this I know it's slow but I promise that next chapter will have more characters and it will start picking up a bit. 😅 Also thank you to anyone who reads this o((*^▽^*))o

❤️The One They All Fell For❤️ (Fem Hinata Harem Mafia AU)*Not Finished*Where stories live. Discover now