Sticking Together (Part One)

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This story happens a few months after Victor, Austin, Alex, and Oscar all meet each other and get to know one another.

The year is 2400. The monsters have dominated the world for three hundred years now. The three main ones that all demigods fear the most are the Chimera, the Siren, and the Hydra. They boss the other monsters around a lot. They kill demigods for fun and if they just simply hate them. They also make them their slaves for the same reason.

"We can't remain on our own anymore. We are too easy targets to be seen by them if we are on our own."

"What do you mean, Austin? Alex and I have always been together."

"Ugh!!! Do I really have to explain this again?!"

"Okay! Okay! Calm down, everybody!" Victor stood in between Austin and Oscar to split them up before anything bad happened.

"I'm with Victor on this one."

"Thank you!"

"On what? Alex, what are you with Victor on? I'm confused..." He raised an eyebrow at her, questioningly.

"Can we like, move in together or something?" Austin persisted.

"I like that idea!" They heard a loud growling coming from the sky. Victor looked up at the sky in fear.

"Oh gods! I know that growl..." Alex walked over to him and rubbed his shoulders to comfort him.

"It's okay, Victor. You'll be alright. We all will." 

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