Sticking Together (Part 4)

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 "I say we attack it where it hurts!"

"Which is where, exactly?" Oscar crossed his arms and looked at Austin curiously. Austin quit trembling and looked back at him. He hesitated before answering. "Well?!"

"It has a weak spot. I've only hit it once before, but it only stunned him long enough for me to escape it."

"Okay...but where is this weak spot?" Victor asked. The Hydra roared again and landed right outside the front entrance.

"Oh dear gods! It's here!" Everyone looked at the Hydra.

"Its...huge!! How did you escape this thing and not at least get a little bit injured in the process?" Oscar was surprised at the thought.

"Yeah, Austin, how did you manage to escape it? I mean, after you hit it's weak spot?" Victor was concerned for his friend.


"I don't just couldn't get back up in time to get me I guess..."

"GUYS!!!" Alex was getting angry for being ignored. "LOOK!!!" 

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