The Kiss Cam Can

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George Weasley x Reader

Warnings: nothing but cuteness and fluff

A/N: did I finally write something without angst? yes! you're welcome, this is the fluffiest fluff I've written yet

original post -

You stood in front of the mirror in your dormitory, adjusting the wool hat you had pulled over your hair. You pulled your sleeves down over your hands, debating over adding another sweater for warmth. It was the semi-final quidditch match before the epic championship. Whoever won today's match would advance to the championship, taking on the Gryffindor team for all the glory.

Ravenclaw was known for their competitive spirit, often resulting in a bit of aggression. Hufflepuff was known for their undeniable team spirit and cooperation, but they would fire back any aggression sent their way. It was bound to be a wild match.

You threw on your heaviest coat and made your way to the arena. When you made it into the student stands, you moved to climb to the top, but stopped when you felt a hand grab your upper arm, giving slight resistance to your movement. You turned to confront whoever had grabbed you and stopped, confusion etched into your features as you found yourself looking into the autumnally brown eyes of George Weasley.

You and George had always been on speaking terms, friendly when you found yourselves in each other's company, but never being bold enough to go out of the way to spend much time together, no matter how much you may have desired it since the very moment you had met him. So you were surprised that the redheaded boy had stopped you in the stands.

"Y/N, there's room down here if you'd like to sit closer to the front." He released his hold on your arm, moving backward to gesture to the open seat in the front row.

"Umm, thanks." He held his hand out for you to step back down over one of the seats. You took his hand and stepped down into the open spot, thanking him again for the help.

You pulled your coat closed tighter, trying to keep out the chill in the late autumn air. You silently took in the world around you. The mass of students crowding into the stands behind you, filling in the seats you would have chosen for yourself if it hadn't been for the tall boy beside you. You could smell the freshness in the air, something you didn't take the time to appreciate enough. The wind was relentless as it attempted to sweep your hair in every direction, the only relief being found in the winter cap on your head.

You snapped out of your own thoughts when George nudged your shoulder, leaning his head closer to be heard over the shuffling of feet through the stands. "High stakes for today's match, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah, for sure. Whoever wins goes on to face you all, right?" You looked into his kind eyes.

"Not that they stand a chance against us, but yeah, the winner today goes up against us for the sought-after trophy." The proud look on his face was contagious, spreading on your own face as he couldn't seem to hide his excitement over the final match.

"Well, they'll certainly have their work cut out for them." You encouraged him, having seen their team perform brilliantly under pressure.

As the breeze blew through once again, your body shuttered from the cold. An unpredictable cold front was sweeping through today of all days, while you were caught outside with all your many layers still not enough to fight the bone-deep chill.

George happened to notice your subtle shivers and slowly unwound the scarf from around his neck. With shaking hands, the cold or the nerves, he couldn't quite tell, George lifted his arms and draped the scarf around your own neck. You looked at him in surprise, not expecting the sudden act of chivalry.

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