Winning London - GW

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muggle au (this is based almost entirely on the mary-kate and ashley movie "winning london" - so i can't take credit for most of the events, but i do love imagining it with the weasley twins)

Description: Two best friends embark on the adventure of a lifetime as they are chosen to participate in a Model U.N. competition in London, England.

Directions: There are two stories included in this plotline. You get to decide which life you experience.

Will you choose the path with Fred Weasley, where you are the alternate choice for your school's Model U.N. team, which might just be what brings you closer to the redheaded royal?

Or will you choose the path with George Weasley, where you are the team leader for your school's Model U.N. team, which leads to an unexpected bond with the redheaded royal who's got a lot on his hands as well?

author's note: while both stories follow a similar plotline, they are not identical, so you can choose to read both)

For Fred's story, please visit my Fred Weasley One Shot book.

original post -


George Weasley x Reader

wc: 6.3k

warnings: family expectations, fake hostage situation


What had you done in your life to deserve this? You tilted your head to the sky and breathed in deeply. Fresh air. Technically the same air as home, but it felt more... special here. London, England.

After what felt like years but was merely months and weeks of preparation, you had finally arrived for the London International Model United Nations competition. You and four other brilliant minds from your school were selected to attend this year's competition to practice international relations and business planning with fellow delegates. As the team leader, you stopped at nothing to make sure everyone was ready to face this day. Well, technically tomorrow, since you had the first day to rest up and recharge from the inevitable jet lag.

What was even better? Your best friend Riley was on your team and had traveled with you to experience the world together. You were each other's greatest supporters and with the high stakes of this competition, you depended on her to keep you sane.

Along with Riley, you led a team with three additional members, Rachel, Brian, and Dylan. The boys were a couple of goofballs, but you had become quite the little family after all the late nights studying the history of China's government. For the Model U.N. competition, each team was assigned a country, other than their home country, to represent during the summit. Each team would speak on behalf of their nation when working together to make worldwide decisions for peace and prosperity of the people.

You had spent many gruelling weeks preparing for this coming week and all the challenges it would provide. You and your team felt equipped to handle anything.


Whoever was in charge of arranging the accommodations for this grand event had decided to hold everything in one building, meaning that your rooms were upstairs while the conference hall was downstairs. It made everything much easier when you didn't have to worry about travel times between destinations. It also meant that all of the delegates were well-rested for the first day of the event.

As you and your team entered the vast conference hall, you were overwhelmed by what was before you. Rows and rows of tables stretching the length of the room, and students just like you congregated around them. The event's teams were made up of students from around the world, so seeing the intermingling of so many people was inspiring and intimidating at the same time. So many brilliant minds in one place meant stiff competition.

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