Secrets at Sunset

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You adjusted the new gauntlets as you entered Gym Gamma. Everyone else had already arrived and were hard at work. You, on the other hand, had gone to get your new hero suit. It was very simple in aesthetics, resembling the tank-top and shorts you had arrived in. The only discernible difference was that it had red accents running throughout that glowed whenever your flames activated. You were also equipped with a blazing orange visor that would protect your eyes when flying at high speeds. However, the real additions were your new gauntlets and matching greaves. They were a dark metallic gray and each had a nozzle that resembled a jet's exhaust. Each gauntlet ran from your wrist to your elbow and had the nozzle just behind the base of your little finger, while each greave ran from your ankle, where it was connected to a boot, to your knee and had the nozzle on the outside of your leg just above the ground.

The gauntlets and greaves were designed to direct all of the flames from the area they covered out through the nozzles. This would allow you to shoot your flames over a long distance and use them as thrust while in flight. They were surprisingly light as you swung them around, getting a feel for them. You had expected them to be made out of something like tungsten that would make them extremely heavy, but it seemed to be some sort of alloy designed specifically for withstanding high temperatures while remaining light-weight.

"Are you ready to test them out?" Ectoplasm's dark voice asked.

You simply nodded as he created a clone for you. The new Ectoplasm led you to a clear area surrounded by cement walls. He stopped at the edge and motioned for you to enter.

"To make full use of your support items, you must learn how to focus your flames to a restricted location on your body," he said, "Start with your right forearm. You may try however you feel will work for you first."

"Okay," you said, "let's see how this goes."

You pointed out your right arm towards one of the cement walls and took a deep breath. You imagined the feeling of activating your flames, but tried to focus it exclusively on your right arm. Using the feeling of the gauntlet to help you focus on the area, you tried to activate your flames in the one location. To your surprise, a burst of flame shot out of the nozzle before dying down to a sputter. The rest of your body was untouched by fire, with the only other indication of your flames being active shown by your glowing wings.

"Very good," came Ectoplasm's voice, "Now alternate between the rest of your limbs. Once you are comfortable with that, we will move on to adjusting the intensity in each location."

You nodded enthusiastically as you did what he said. After several minutes of alternating the location of your flames, you looked to Ectoplasm and nodded that you were ready. When he motioned you to proceed you lifted your right arm once again and pointed it to the wall. You took a deep breath and activated your flames, the nozzle sputtering to life. Pausing briefly, you focused on your flames growing in heat and size. Immediately, a jet of flame launched from the nozzle, putting you off balance from the recoil. The flames died down as you tried to keep yourself from falling. Recomposing yourself, you tried once more. This time you braced yourself from the recoil and didn't lose balance. You couldn't help but laugh at the exhilarating feeling of becoming a human flamethrower.

"Well done," Ectoplasm said, "Now do it for all of your individual limbs."

You spent the rest of training practicing with your new gear. It was getting easier to use, but you were still nowhere near an ultimate move.

At the end of training...

You collapsed to the ground, almost completely out of breath. Your fire was almost self sustaining because of your heat absorption quirk, but after a couple hours it took a lot out of you. You leaned back on your arms with your wings stretched out to try and cool off.

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