Childhood Friends

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You've known Kakashi basically since the day you were born. Your parents were neighbors and friends with his parents before either of you were born, and you lived in the house next to his all your life. There were a lot of kids in Konoha, and you and Kakashi spent many days running around the village with other kids when you were very young, only coming home for dinner. Your families were very close, and you were there for him when his dad died when you were six. You stood in front with him and held his hand at the funeral, silently comforting your best friend the only way you knew how at such a young age.

Your parents had always adored Kakashi, but after Sakumo passed, they made more of an effort to take care of him. They invited him over for dinner often, and left gifts and necessities at his apartment door for the first few years. They once invited him to move in to your house, but he politely declined. Kakashi was already a Genin when his dad died, and a Chunin not long after that, so he insisted on living on his own after he was orphaned. As far as Konaha was concerned, if he could work as a shinobi, he could take care of himself as an adult.

Kakashi was very close with his sensei, Minato, and his wife, Kushina. Because of your friendship, you were also close with Minato and Kushina, but Kushina especially. She was funny, and liked to play games and tend to her garden when Minato was on missions. You'd help her in the garden sometimes, chatting her ear off about your best friend Kakashi and how good of a shinobi he already was. You'd try to slyly dig information out of Kushina about Kakashi's teammate Rin, who obviously had a crush on Kakashi. You and Rin didn't really get along because of this, always subtly competing for his attention.

Your parents were very set on wanting you to have a normal childhood, so they kept you on the suggested shinobi path. Genin at twelve, Chunin at fifteen, and Jonin at eighteen. They were both medical ninjutsu users that worked for the Konaha hospital, and they saw too many young shinobi die or be critically injured over the years. They didn't want the same for you, so you respected their wishes and kept on the safe path in your studies. Kakashi, however, was different. He was an incredibly gifted shinobi seemingly from birth, and his dad had been a legendary war hero before he was disgraced. Kakashi always tried to be better than the other kids his age, always trying to prove himself to the village. He graduated the academy before you had even started, despite being the same age.

Despite being a Chunin, Kakashi still made time for you and his other friends. He'd train with you on his off days, and you'd still play games with the other kids in the village. He was even your first kiss (through his mask, but you both claimed it still counted) when Kurenai dared him to kiss you during a game of rescue mission. Kurenai was your other best friend and knew about your crush on Kakashi, so you made sure to thank her for this later. Though you were young, you knew that Kakashi made you happy, and that was enough for you.

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