Junior High (Ch 2)

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Haii!! Sorry it's taken me a while to update, I usually give up after the first one, but I felt like updating, so here I am. Enjoy!!

Also not my photo!!

(Y/n)'s Narrative PoV:

*This is the day the villain incident between izuku and katsuki happened*

It's been a few years since the incident where my quirks manifested themselves, and thankfully no one found out about the changes my body went through. However, Bakugo has become a problem. He knows something is up and is determined to figure it out. A couple of times he nearly took off my beanie. Deku and I have just grown closer since that day, I did tell him about my quirks, but never about what happened. Little did I know, that would all change today, whether I wanted it to or not.

Ryuu's PoV:





I groan lightly from the loud and obnoxious screaming from my alarm clock, smashing my abnormally heavy arm against it.

"Not againnnn..."

I glance at my arm, realizing that it is no longer human, it's covered in rough brown fur with thick massive claws, with a thick squishy pad in the center of the paw.

"Great... guess I've got a bear claw today... Sadly not the food..." I sigh and think of my arm in great detail. I think of the way it looks and feels, I think of the size and the small scar I got from the swings at the park, I think of how it feels to move my fingers. After focusing, I feel the bones in my arm shrink and my fingers cracking back into their original form I wince from the pain but its not so bad today. I open my eyes and look at my now stinging hand, it's back to normal, causing me to smile a bit, then I start my morning routine, and head off to school.

It only takes me 10 minutes to run from my house to school, and it's great exercise. I pass a few people in the streets and they just wave and tell me good morning as I speed past them. Since I take this route often, there are people I've regularly passed by, so we always give each other warm smiles and good mornings.

After I arrive at school, I head to my locker and set my stuff inside, then begin to head to class. While walking in the hallway, I bump into my green haired friend and immediately hug him. "Haii Deku!! Good morning!!" I chirp to him. "Good morning, (Y/n). Did you figure out what school you're gonna apply for?" The greenette replies. "As a matter of fact, I did!! I applied to UA! I can't let you and Kacchan be the only ones going to a fancy school!" I smiled, knowing that Izuku would be estatic. "REALLY!! I'm so relieved!!" He jumped with joy as we walked into our class together. I sat down at my seat, placed between the boys I grew up with.

"Speaking of... where is..... Gahh!!" All of the sudden I feel my beanie being ripped of my head as I'm pushed off of my chair and fall to the floor, hearing an explosion above me, the scent of burnt clothes lingering in my nose.

"What the Hell Twerp?!?" Bakugo bursts out into laughter, making my face flush red with anger and my eyes sting as the tears begin to swell.

"You're a cat!! Hahaha!!! You and that idiot Deku are perfect for each other!! You're both Freaks!!!" The whole class stared me down and with Bakugo's hurtful words, took a second, then erupted in laughs and taunts of "FREAK!", bringing tears to my eyes. I look up at my best friend to see his shocked face, and all I wanted to do is run, so I do.

Class 1-A (Midoriya x (Y/n) x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now